kimahri said:
Ni no Kuni and uh... Some other stuff later.
Shopto have apparently accepted my pre-order for the Wizards edition AND they've taken my cash - so I don't think they can back out of it now. Fingers crossed though as I only placed the order on Monday.
Very, very excited about it to be honest.
kimahri said:
LLAMATRON!!! I got to round 21 and died... My name shows my dismay. Killed 2 screaming Mandy's though
It's been over 20 years since I last played that. It's not a great game, but it's a brilliant work of game art
Nemesis Inferno said:
To be fair, it's better than having to wait forever till the next Zelda game (which 'apparently' depending on how you take their media will be relatively different from the normal Zelda practices)... But Wind Waker <3
Do they work like Sony, where it's a small studio outsourced to "HD up" the work, or is it done internally? If it's the latter, wouldn't you rather they put the time and effort into making the new one
Nemesis Inferno said:
HD remakes are becoming very much the norm in the industry recently, as seen with Metal Gear, Halo and a few others that I cannot think of at the top of my head... Nintendo have just been doing it for longer (and hopefully will actually add in the missing dungeons/redo the silly fetch quest in Wind Waker)...
Sony are the biggest culprits. They have a HD remake of pretty much every one of their popular/highly rated IP properties now on the PS3. They tend to do them just before the release of the latest version.
Nintendo have been doing "re-release the original" and "re-release the old game in HD and then say it's a new game, but it's actually just the same again and called new"

for ages (see MarioKart), but not actual updated remakes.
It's not really an issue, and I don't have a problem with remakes or even re-releases. It's fine as long as a company is also looking forwards and taking the games they make in a new direction.
Every company is responsible for flogging their IP to death. Sony are probably the worst culprits with bollocks IP like Kratos from God of War and Nathan Drake (bloke off the street in jeans). However, they do produce new IP to flog to death which are actually part of a new franchise that is something different and unique (Fat Princess, Sack Boy, Patapon, etc. ). You'll not be able to move for years without something about The Last of Us, or Sony crowing on about how they secured Ni No Kuni exclusively (essentially, the biggest thing to come out of Japan in a decade). It comes with the territory.
Both Sony and MS though actively encourage new studios though to work with them and on both platforms you end up with a superb range of brand new games that set the world alight (and every so often, they do it in house too). The best games (IMO) in the last 10 years have come from indie developers on the 360 or PS3. These are the games and developers that will inspire the next generation and move the games industry on and forwards. We'll always look back with a nostalgic eye, and that's fine, but the industry has to move onwards or stagnate. Thankfully, MS and Sony are helping that movement and we'll all reap the benefits.
Nemesis Inferno said:
Although I'm much more excited for new Smash Bros, which will definitely tell if Nintendo's new online system is any good, and the Yoshi version of Kirby's Epic Yarn, which was actually a decent game when you got past the outrageous cuteness...
If Bob3 had posted just this:
I'd have been all over it like a rash. Kirby's Epic Yarn is THE saving grace in Nintendo's release schedule for the Wii. It's just a standard platform game, but... It's all about the style and design. The game is gorgeous to look at and to play. The mechanics are simply fantastic - it's just a great, great game.
If it didn't involve having to buy a Wii U, I'd probably die from anticipation about a Yoshi version
Nemesis Inferno said:
Would it also surprise you furie that there'll be a new 3D Mario and Mario Kart?
I assume it will be exactly the same crap as every version? Same tracks on Mario Kart? Same Hill, Desert, Forest, Castle routine on Mario?
That's why the new Pokemon announcement excites me. Yeah, it's just Pokemon and it'll be much the same as before. However, they've made an effort rather than just doing the same thing again and again and again. It's finally been brought up to date and looks fresh. It's kind of "I respect they're making an effort" rather than "I have no respect for just rehashing the same code and levels forever".
I didn't like Super Mario Galaxy, but respected the fact it did something so differently and shook up the franchise again. So there's some hope, but I just think it will turn out to be exactly the same stuff all over again.
If you love it, fine, but I'd rather one of the world's largest software producers actually made a move to be original and to dare to try and set the world alight again. It has to be diminishing returns, as Nintendo are seeing, as are all the "grey" repeat every year shooters (though I doubt many people would complain about the sales, even diminished :lol: ).