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The Games we play...

Hahaha I'm still off work on the sick thats why - at work I have the RSS feed of the blog in my outlook :lol: you win this round furie!

Impressed by that update actually - I recently voiced my disapproval at Sony over recent PS+ content (I say voiced, it was an approx. 100 character tweet haha) and this makes a nice change. F1 race stars must have bombed to be in this already.

Speaking of colour blind games furie, I noticed on Black Ops 2 settings they have an option to make the HUD colour blind friendly which I thought was a good touch, not sure many other games incorporate features like this!
COD has had colour blind assist for a while but it doesn't do much. I use it cause the blue they use fits the game better :3
When I play online, I like games where the teams are given colours like red, blue, green or yellow. I then go red because I can't tell the difference between green and yellow and I can't spot the red from the backgrounds; blue is bright so I can always see it. It's the only way I know who is the enemy and can spot them. I guess that's why I've only ever taken to the Unreal Tournament series ;)

I don't think PS+ has been that bad Pierre (certainly compared to the first two years). The Vita offerings were slim this month, but that's an added bonus. The other stuff was still pretty good I thought. I've still not loaded half of them mind :lol:

Yeah, I don't think anyone really "got" F1 Race-Stars, but I said it at the time. It's a great take on F1 and mixed with a pick up and play fun karting title.

It's just that if you enjoy F1, you don't want a karting game, you want an F1 game - unless you like F1 AND karting games. If you enjoy karting games, there are several on the market much better than F1 Race Stars, so you'd only look at it as a budget option. For everyone else, if you don't like F1 then that puts you off, and you think you'd maybe like to try a karting game and it looks "cute", the price would put you off.

The audience was always very obviously niche. It should have been given away free with one track, and then additional tracks and drivers offered as individual DLC, or as a pack for £15 or something download only. It should never have been a retail game and I don't know why Codemasters missed it.

It also explains why Codemasters is currently shedding jobs - there's a lot of money needed to hold the franchise and you can't afford games not to sell.

It's actually something I've been bleating on about for a long, long time (I'd have to look back at archives, but since my PC gaming days and probably around 2002-2003).

As a developer, get your main engine and game made, then release it for a reduced price (£15 online, £25 retail or something) with just a single "chapter". While that sells, have your teams carry on working on the next chapters, serialise your games. Charge say, £3 per chapter from then on.

Imagine you spend 2 years and £4,000,000 producing a game and it flops. £1,500,000 of that and 12 months was in producing the core of the game, the rest, the actual levels/chapters.

So you release and everyone buys the core game. You know it's worth then continuing to produce the levels and to get them out. You suddenly have a money making scheme. If sales drop off after a short while on new chapter releases, then you can cancel middle chapters and wrap the game up.

If the game flops on release, then you stop production on further chapters and releases for the game. You cut your losses and move on.

It's a much more dynamic way of producing games and could allow you to readily change tac if the market changes (let's face it, between starting production on the latest Tomb Raider, has Uncharted et al saturated a market Lara couldn't compete in any more? Should you pump four years and tens on millions into it now, or put a toe in the water to test the market and then release the bulk if the market is there).

The only issue is that it would be frustrating to get into a game and then to have to wait for content to come through, but you could still produce a little ahead of the game. You release with chapter 1 and already have chapter 2 ready to roll out and have started on chapter 3. So if chapter 2 is financially viable, finish 3 and start on 4 kind of thing. Potentially, you could have a lot ready but still cut back on costs.

Well, it's an idea and a better one than listening to marketing who only look at trends and never game quality: "MOH and COD are selling millions, so the market is ripe for FPS games with online content, produce one... [two weeks after release of generic bland shooter number 12 this year]... the market for FPS is no longer viable due to changing trends (and not because the market is flooding with bland shooters that are **** ), it's all plastic guitars now, everyone wants more plastic guitar games, go make at least three of those".

And then somebody actually does produce a fantastic and original game and everyone ignores it anyway :lol:
I hear what you're saying furie, however maybe I'm old fashioned and not moving with the times but I'm the kind of person who thinks, as a consumer, once you've paid the upfront price for the game, that should be it.

I actually resent DLC, I just see it as another way to leech money from the consumer and it really winds me up. Maybe developers fear other people are as old hat and miserable as me? :lol:
DLC is an absolute joke. For Black Ops 2 they release 4 map packs and it costs $60 but you can get a "discount" of $50, so in normal terms, a completely new game under the same title. I understand they don't want it to get stale, but it's a joke of the cost. It infuriates me that if you don't have it, you lose a lot of ability to play the new maps.

All that said I got the new BO2 map pack, and out of the 4 maps, I can see one becoming similar to Nuketown in terms of player preference, the others are so so, one being awful (Hydro) and the other two (Downhill and the one in China) did nothing for me.

The Zombie map though is pretty fun, played it once, and the people I played with opened everything up too early (this is one thing I just don't understand of how people open up everything, and then die instantly, why not just wait until you need to open it, just URGH!) and I finally got Nuketown Zombies which is fun.

That's my COD rant, I play it because it's the easiest way to communicate with friends who don't live near anymore.
Pierre said:
I hear what you're saying furie, however maybe I'm old fashioned and not moving with the times but I'm the kind of person who thinks, as a consumer, once you've paid the upfront price for the game, that should be it.

I actually resent DLC, I just see it as another way to leech money from the consumer and it really winds me up. Maybe developers fear other people are as old hat and miserable as me? :lol:

That's because companies like EA, Activision - actually, the whole bloody lot of them - just see it as a cash cow and not the way I'd do it :P

If you paid £10 for Uncharted 4 with one chapter, and then £3 per chapter for the 10 chapters that told the entire story (so a total of £40 spread over two or three months) it wouldn't be an issue would it? You're still paying as much as you would for the game upfront in total, but if you don't like the game, you've only spent £10.

Obviously that's very simplistic, but that's the kind of idea.

It would never work due to greed of course. Look at the new Disney game I mentioned last week.

The disk version of it is coming with every expansion due to be released for the following year. So on that disk you buy, there is the game they let you play AND all the DLC. That's wrong surely. The way to unlock the DLC is to buy the over priced "toys" as and when Disney release them.

They've already created the extra stuff, so include it right away, it isn't costing them any more, it really is just snatching cash.

Skylanders does it too. There are 4 or 5 entire levels on the disk which can only be unlocked by buying a special £20 toy pack. It's so shady.

Speaking of Skylanders, there are now Megablocks (Lego ripoff) Skylanders sets. It costs more to buy the Megablock version of the Skylander Figure (which is a toy that you can use in the actual game) than the Skylander figures cost. Made me :roll: and :?

Ni No Kuni is due in today. Hurray!

I got it pre-order, so it's arriving a day early.

It was released to buy off PSN yesterday for... £50 WTF? I paid £70 for the limited edition with hardback book and toy (well, Maxi-Minor_Furie paid for the limited edition bit with Christmas money, I paid what I would for the retail version - £40).

No, it's not available to download until tomorrow morning, as it's the official release date.

There are actually people who have paid £10 more than retail to "get it immediately", not understanding that the game comes in at something like 22Gb and will take them a day to download.

Why not just go into Asda at midnight and grab it for £40 (actually, probably £37 at Asda)? Then you have the physical copy AND can play it as soon as you get home.

I understand the desperation with it being a Studio Ghibli game, but people really do lose all sense sometimes.

While they wait for their overpriced version, I shall be joining Kim in drooling over the actual game all evening :)

Ooooh, just spotted this from Media Molecule (who made Little Big Planet). Looks like the 3D platform adventure everyone dreams of:

The style is stunning, so creative and not a **** mushroom in sight ;)
Pierre is massively off the ball at the moment!

The PS4 is probably going to be announced on February 20th, with a "rumoured" Christmas 2013 release. Very exciting.

Ni No Kuni is also delicious; so fab!
Haha I did see that video the other day. Don't want to read too much into it though. I haven't looked further into it to see if there's anything else to justify the rumours but it could be anything, a revamped playstation network perhaps?!

I just don't want to build myself up for a disappointment :lol:

I've never heard of this ni no kuni until this topic now it's been released everyone's talking about it. What's the big fuss? Also lol at the people who pre-ordered online, there was a problem with the item on the store apparently so it took even longer for them to get it :)
Pierre said:
Haha I did see that video the other day. Don't want to read too much into it though. I haven't looked further into it to see if there's anything else to justify the rumours but it could be anything, a revamped playstation network perhaps?!

I just don't want to build myself up for a disappointment :lol:

I've never heard of this ni no kuni until this topic now it's been released everyone's talking about it. What's the big fuss? Also lol at the people who pre-ordered online, there was a problem with the item on the store apparently so it took even longer for them to get it :)

Ni No Kuni is just a collaborative JRPG by the Professor Layton guys and Studio Ghilbi. It actually came out in 2011 for the DS and came with a mini version of a book in the game and it was required to play it. It had all your spells and **** in it and we never got it over here.

It got ported to the PS3 in japan and ages later it was announced for world wide release or sommat. Then the Special Edition was announced containing the full book from the game with everything in it. It's pretty **** cool and done with much higher quality than pretty much most books.

Also the game is damn gorgeous. It's like a Mix of Kingdom Hearts, The Persona series and probably a couple other things.

It's awesome,
Anyone want to buy a Wii U? What a load of crap. ZombiU is awful, Mario is same old, Nintendoland is wtf and Tekken is the only decent game I have on it which is saying something.

It's now going to gather dust with my Wii because if I ever get a chance to do some gaming there's no way I'd use it over my PS3.

Either that or get raped on the trade-in value probably!
Pierre said:
Haha I did see that video the other day. Don't want to read too much into it though. I haven't looked further into it to see if there's anything else to justify the rumours but it could be anything, a revamped playstation network perhaps?!

I just don't want to build myself up for a disappointment :lol:

It was pretty much confirmed by somebody the other day. Erm...

Yep, Wall Street Journal "confirmed" it:
http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142 ... 65276.html

Pierre said:
I've never heard of this ni no kuni until this topic now it's been released everyone's talking about it. What's the big fuss? Also lol at the people who pre-ordered online, there was a problem with the item on the store apparently so it took even longer for them to get it :)

It's so funny all those people paying over the odds for online pre-order and then expecting Sony Europe to get it right. Fools :lol:

Anyway, I don't know if you've heard of Studio Ghibli? They're kind of the Japanese Disney (in fact, Disney distribute their films in the West (or some of them at least)). Only being Japanese and everyone over there understanding that cartoons don't just have to be sappy, sentimental, with characters designed purely as merchandise for kid enticing pap - they tend to be quite "grown up". So while it may be a cartoon about little cat type creatures who live in a hedge and visit at night (awwww, Totor), it's actually about coping with sickness, disease and the possible death of a loved one. They're quite deep, and not just in the typical lip service way Disney do. Imagine the opening sequence to Up made into an entire film, and that's how poignant and emotional the films are - though it's not always about death, but it's that kind of emotional presentation through the film.

So yeah, Ghibli are real artisans and a very special animation studio, huge in Japan and the people in the West who have seen the stuff tend to become immediate fans.

So that kind of gives you some idea of how important the first game to come from their minds is. It is essentially like getting Pixar to write the story and produce animations for the first ever Disney game - that's why people are so excited. It's a full Ghibli story, with the game made by some of the best creative Japanese developers.

So yeah, it's a big deal.

the game itself will still come down to personal preference. There's a huge amount of sitting watching cut-scenes, with an annoying mix of brilliant voice-over and text to read. The animated sections are pure Ghibli and if you love their stuff, then you love those parts. Then the in-game engine cut-scenes are this odd mix of spoken or read with seemingly no real reason for why it will be one or the other.

So you do tend to find that you can easily go five-ten minutes without touching the controller, and when you do touch it, it's for a minute to get you to the next five-ten minute cut scene. Though as the game progresses, you find this happens less and less and it opens up to more exploration.

If that kind of stop start winds you up, you're not going to like the game :lol:

The actual game is a mix of adventuring (walking around towns finding items, or the countryside finding new places) and battles. The battles are a bit of a grind fest really. They're almost a real-time Pokemon battle. You you have your team against all the baddies, and you run around a small area and pick which attacks to make on which enemies. You can switch between team members to maximise the range of attacks and magic you can use.

It's not as strategic as a turn based system, as you're busy trying to move, pick and select an attack all at the same time, you don't have a lot of time to develop deep strategies as you normally would in these kind of games. So if you like turn based battles in your Role Playing Game - tough again.

So really, it's a pretty niche game, but one which does justice to the source (Ghibli fans will adore the mix of real animation, wonderful story and sympathetic and breath taking game graphics/animation) and tries a new take on the standard JRPG formula to make it interesting for new comers and a new challenge for regular players.

It's a game like Metal Gear Solid where people will talk about it for years to come as a something completely fantastic. Those who get it will all nod and get excited, those who don't (I don't with MGS, sorry all MGS fans) will just look confused.

It's not the most important game ever, but it's a very important game in that it treats everything so reverently and the work and detail that has gone into it is incredible. It's respectful to all the fans it is aimed at, and is probably one of the best looking and produced games on the PS3 to date.

I hope that enlightens you? ;)

spicy said:
Anyone want to buy a Wii U? What a load of crap. ZombiU is awful, Mario is same old, Nintendoland is wtf and Tekken is the only decent game I have on it which is saying something.

It's now going to gather dust with my Wii because if I ever get a chance to do some gaming there's no way I'd use it over my PS3.

Either that or get raped on the trade-in value probably!

And you're shocked about this? :P

Just give it three months and you'll be able to play all the games you've been able to play on the PS3 and 360 for 12 months on it too. You can add that to the majority of "games you've already played on a previous Nintendo console" and it's a great reason to own new hardware :P

ZombiU and Nintendoland look like typical "fun, but shallow" release titles to be fair. Things that show off the new hardware and try to do something a little different. They're not meant to be keepers, but things you dip into and have fun with to show off the new system for a few weeks after you bought it.

I think, as with the Wii, the 3rd party support once again looks awful. It's trash, or just not there. I know Nintendo are now working with developers though to try and bring a lot more Japanese games to the West that don't usually make it over. They've realised that three-four months (at times) of no new releases for a console is a very bad thing. Though it's good for my pocket, pick up a 3DS game once every 3-6 months and it makes it a very cheap console to own, even if I do only play on it for a couple of weeks every 3-6 months of the year ;)
spicy said:
Anyone want to buy a Wii U? What a load of crap. ZombiU is awful, Mario is same old, Nintendoland is wtf and Tekken is the only decent game I have on it which is saying something.

It's now going to gather dust with my Wii because if I ever get a chance to do some gaming there's no way I'd use it over my PS3.

Either that or get raped on the trade-in value probably!

Wait until Wonderful 101 or Bayonetta 2 to come out or sommat?

Monolith Soft's X?!?
^The original Smash bros and Melee are good games. Brawl is okay.

Just got Borderlands 2 on Snoo's recommendation and I'm enjoying what I've played so far. So much loot.
Youngster Joey said:
^The original Smash bros and Melee are good games. Brawl is okay.

Agreed. I don't know what they did to Brawl to ruin it. I guess it suffered once more with "just the same as before" syndrome? Melee had me captivated for ages and ages, but Brawl I didn't give a **** about.

The last I'd heard was that they were planning on showing the game running at E3. So that's a show at E3, which means a release Christmas at the earliest, maybe slipping back into Spring/Summer 2014.

That's a hell of a wait for the next game to buy on your expensive new Wii.

I shan't be Boarderlanding, due to not owning it :P
furie said:
Youngster Joey said:
^The original Smash bros and Melee are good games. Brawl is okay.

Agreed. I don't know what they did to Brawl to ruin it. I guess it suffered once more with "just the same as before" syndrome? Melee had me captivated for ages and ages, but Brawl I didn't give a **** about.

The last I'd heard was that they were planning on showing the game running at E3. So that's a show at E3, which means a release Christmas at the earliest, maybe slipping back into Spring/Summer 2014.

That's a hell of a wait for the next game to buy on your expensive new Wii.

I shan't be Boarderlanding, due to not owning it :P

Not sure where you heard that, all that's been confirmed is that the 3DS and Wii U versions will be at E3 is some form. Likely not more than a few screenshots and maybe some pre-rendered animation, but I am highly skeptical of the game being playable even running for a demo at this years E3.