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The Games we play...

I didn't take much notice to be honest. Saw that a game that was announced and got everybody excited years ago was going to be there and assumed they'd have something to show for it*.

So, 2015 until the next game for the Wii U then? Excellent, it's no wonder they're selling like hot cakes :P

*Yeah, pull your finger out Sony with The Last Guardian.
^Well when Sakurai finds out he's making the game when they announce it at E3 it's clearly going to take a long time I suspect 2015 but it might be available holiday 2014. Might.
Youngster Joey said:
^Well when Sakurai finds out he's making the game when they announce it at E3 it's clearly going to take a long time I suspect 2015 but it might be available holiday 2014. Might.

Sorry, I just wasn't paying enough attention as after Brawl, I wasn't overly interested. It was just one of those passing "oooh, they're doing another one" and assumed as they'd announced it, that it was already under way. Obviously never assume :lol:

With the Nintendo games, I tend to take very little notice until a week or two before they come out when the hype starts to kick in. Then I look to see if it's worth my while being really interested.

I'm also old, so time passes very quickly and it's easy to lose track of time. E3 2012, 2011 and 2010 all happen to me like breakfast did for the last three days for you. You remember it all, but don't know which **** came from which one ;)
Rayman Legends and Lego City Undercover are both out next month as Wii U exclusives (for now, hello Resident Evil 4 ;))...

Oh, and Scribblenaughts Unlimited, eventually...

Nintendo really dropped the ball on marketing the Wii U though, extremely bad marketing (and naming tbh, which I think is one of the many reasons it's fallen, aside from a really Grade A game)...

ZombiU is still fab though, just not had the time to play any games recently...
The last Rayman game was very good, but generally they're not - will be interesting see what they pull out of the bag. Lego City also looks interesting, but are either of them exclusives that will sell consoles? They're not Monster Hunter, Pokemon, or GTA.

Did the Resi 4exclusive for the GameCube help much for the sales of that?

I don't think Nintendo have done anything wrong to be honest, I just think that the Wii was an anomaly that they can't repeat, because... Well, because the Wii was a fad that everyone is over now. The Wii U is too expensive and doesn't offer anything different that people can't get anywhere else.

£350 for a Wii (which everyone has) with an added tablet (which if people don't have, they can get a really decent one for under £350).

The thing is, if you look at sales figures for previous Nintendo consoles, they're a bit up and down, but looking at sales figures for games and consoles, there's a healthy 25 million "core" Nintendo fans. When Nintendo sell a game which these fans love, they do sell it in 10's of millions.

I think that the Wii U will follow this pattern. It will sell a healthy 25-30 million consoles in the next three years and first party games will sell 10-20 million copies. As a games publisher, Nintendo do fantastically well. The Wii has an abysmal attach rate, but only because it has sold so many consoles. If you look at that core number, the attach rate is exceptional for first party games. Nintendo fans buy Nintendo consoles for the Nintendo game they love. They do it in their millions.

The issue is that the Wii has done so well that if they don't follow it up, it's seen as a failure. It's nothing like that at all, they're are still a very successful games company and hardware manufacturer - it's just their market blipped and they made a LOT of money suddenly.

The Game Cube sold under 30 million consoles last generation and Nintendo still made a lot of money (huge amounts). While the Game Cube was seen (by many) as a failure, it was financially successful and allowed Nintendo to build the Wii. The Wii U may only appeal to lower numbers this time around, but I have no doubt Nintendo will still make money, still produce the games those masses love and will, either next time or the time after, make it big again with another "Wii"
I wouldn't say The GC was a failure either. I mean compaired to the PS2 it was but in general is was a quirky little dreamcaste port device.
Rayman Legends is effectively Origins (with new levels :O) so I reckon it'll be a great game (especially the music levels <3)...

But yeah, the issue is that lack of MAAAAASSIVE title to draw people in... The lack of a 3D Mario, Zelda, Pokemon (if only) and the like have hit it, with many waiting for those to turn up before purchasing...

The price... Ehhhh, it's a tricky one in the current market, as it's against old consoles, be interesting to see how PS and Microsoft price their ones...

Not saying in the long run it'll be a failure (well, ACTUAL failure, not because the other two have better graphics, have a better launch, etc), indeed, it might well turn out to be the Gamecube in a way, just hopefully it has the same level of quality games with it (I WANT A NEW F ZERO DAMMIT!)
The price IS tricky, but the console is currently showing less "oomph" than the current gen (on paper it's better, but on paper, the Wii was better than the PS2, but most games looked like PS2/Game Cube quality) - that's down to:

a) Developers just porting lazily
b) Nintendo in-house games using graphical styles that just simply don't benefit from being "next gen".

So it's considerably more than either a 360 or PS3 and doesn't offer anything new to anybody. The tablet just isn't a sell as the Wii-Remote was because people have been using tablets for years now, the Wii was a revolutionary concept to the public (the tech was very old - left behind by both Sony and Microsoft, which is amusing - but Nintendo packaged it perfectly).

The PS2 was only popular in the same way the Wii has been. It sold on the back of the PS1 popularity (akin to Mario et al really) and the tech advantage of the DVD drive (akin to the Wii-Remote).

It didn't sell massively because it was a hardcore gaming console. Attach rates for the PS2 games were worse than for the Game Cube, but there were more titles available and (same as the Wii), larger numbers mean lower attach rates statistically.

The PS3 has only gained any success due to Blu-Ray. It didn't quite top the drive the DVD player created (or come close to it), but that's because the tech revolution moving from VHS to DVD was huge and ubiquitous, the HD/Blu-Ray revolution is much slower and still continuing. Much like the Wii U and the tablet, the PS3 was against too much similar technology, competing technology and no unified kind of sales strategy that didn't border on arrogance.

Microsoft continue to sell massively on the strength of their core, which is X-Box Live. Yes, it's a premium service, but they bloody understand and get it right. Sony and Nintendo are STILL floundering around 10 years later and don't have a service which touches even initial X-Box Live; it's ridiculous.

They also excite with big, bad and bold IP that appeals directly to their core audience, the FPS fans. They know exactly what they're doing and the gamers who own their systems - I don't think there is anybody more on the ball than MS. It doesn't suit me personally as the games are too samey and not a genre I like, but that's fine, there are 80 million people besides me who it does suit :)

So when the NextBox and PS4 are released, unless Sony can match MS's online offering, they'll really struggle - no matter how strong a platform they are for interesting and new developments - it's got to be the people who adopt for the big names and big games. If match making is torture, people won't buy a PS4 for their COD or BF4 or whatever and that's a huge chunk of sales directly to Microsoft.

The thing is, even if the new MS and Sony consoles come in at £500+ (I doubt it, I reckon the NextBox will be around £350 and without new technology like the Blu-Ray player, so will the PS4), they'll stil lsell by the shed load. They tend to do (initially at least), very good backwards compatibility with their prior software and your accounts will move and your downloaded software pretty seamlessly come across too. People invest heavily in software on both those consoles (much more than with the Wii), so it's a huge selling point to be able to easily move to the new console.

As the price drops and "gamer's favourites" become available, the Wii U will no doubt pick up sales and, I reckon in three year's time, will easily have over 20 million sales.

The other two..? Want to know what's interesting?

For every "generation", the second "big name" console to market has been the best seller. Pretty much without fail. I have no doubt there's a degree of coincidence, but (and I wrote a very long description of this which could have been submitted as a Phd thesis) there definitely seems to be a very solid consumer cycle for buying hardware.

Being the first to market with "next gen" isn't always enough. If the old market is still very active, then all you do is make people aware that their stuff is "getting old". Most people are slow to absorb the fact and to gather the money (or idea of finding the money) to do their replacement.

When the second console is released, the producer tends to have learned from the mistakes of the first to market, they know how to brand and sell the console and they work on developing hype and a "must have" feature to go with launch.

So when launch happens, the buying public is ready for it all AND they can be excited by the marketing approach. They also see the first console as "old tech", when in reality they're often more powerful.

I don't know if MS could have gone against the Wii or PS3 if released at the same time, I think it needed the extra year head start and (as I mentioned above, with the superb XBox-Live service) it offered enough to get enough people on board to make it a success. MS are also pretty **** hot on a lot of things - as I say, they understand their market.

The PS3 would have failed a year earlier, as it was too close to the change from VHS to DVD. When it was released though, it was a prime time for people looking to HD things (again, the 360 will have helped people along the road to considering HD, and the PS3 took complete advantage of that mindset base). Though if it had had a lower price and maybe a two month bigger head start in the market, it could have trumped the Wii - sadly, Sony were semi-fools, but Blu-Ray has definitely saved the PS3.

So yeah, Rayman Legends then. Bound to be a great game, but just the same as Origins which will have been around for 12 months, won't sell the console (or many copies I reckon :P ).

The biggest worry for Nintendo is their stock. The Wii massively built the company funds and made stock worth a lot. If the Wii U fails, then investors pull out and can cause significant problems for the company - even if they are making money. Then you end up with cancelled developments (bye bye F-Zero X :P ) and fewer and fewer risks taken. you end up with the same IP dragged out over and over and over in ever diminishing returns as gamers are over saturated and care less and then the company is seen as a failure because it can no longer even sell a Mario game (the fifteenth one in 2016 just didn't do very weel for some reason :roll: ). Though that's a worst case Sega kind of scenario :P

For Pierre there's a Vita sale on at the moment. Lots of goodies to pick up (Modnations for £6.50, Ridge Racer complete for £10 and Golf for £7 I think) for a decent price and none "on plus for March". Though to be honest, I imagine with the slow rate of releases for the Vita, they'll all end up there pretty soon anyway.
Nintendo absolutely dropped the ball on marketing. That's not something new though. The holiday season after the 3DS's release all the news/talk shows were talking about how the new DS3D was one of the hottest gadgets around.

There biggest mistake is just not making it clear it is a seperate console from the Wii. Showing people playing with wii remotes in the Wii U commercials was not the brightest moment.

As for what I'm excited for for Wii U it's, Bayonetta 2, Wonderful 101, Smash Bros, and the inevitable Kirby game.

On to games that just came out,

Sly Cooper: Thieves in Time

If you have played any or all of the originals buy this game. If haven't played any of the sly cooper games it definitely clearly catches you up no worse for ware. It controls a little weird for a modern game but it keeps basically the same control scheme from the PS2 days. The game is pretty long (6 hours in and still at the first time travel level (going for everything)) and at a price of $40 it's well worth the money (Not sure what the price is in Europe)

From what I've played so far It's an 9/10
Yeah, the main issue with the Wii U is the complete lack of clarity for the casual (and indeed, some hardcore) gamers... Especially when you still have a fair few amount of Wii games floundering around (like the random New Super Kirby Bros game, which I didn't know actually existed)...

But many seem to have no idea it's a new console, instead it's an add-on, which of course, with a lack of a game to really push (as good as Nintendoland and ZombiU are), it's not a surprise they floundered...

Miiverse is a decent thing though for online community stuff, but as said, the Xbox Live is pretty darn great, for the parties alone really, so be interesting to see what they do next if anything...

I'm not sure if I'll get a second console right now, definitely a wait and see (and probably end up with the Xbox, hell, the only reason I have one now is because I won it :P) what happens, pricing and release times will also be a massive factor...

Then we have the issues with 2nd hand games, rumours going that neither Sony or Microsoft will allow them... Though I doubt it'll cause much issue in the long run...
Any kind of restrictions so far on 2nd hand games (or digital rights management on the PC) hasn't gone down particularly well. I actually don't object to the "code to play online" idea (whatever the online passes are called, they're 2nd game selling stoppers).

It's true that for a company to run an online server, it costs them per day to give that facility - so it's right that part of that cost should be covered by the consumer. I don't play online often, so it doesn't bother me and I'll pick up games with online features I can't use - I don't care if I'm never going online with it. Fair enough says I.

DRM on the PC though caused such a massive kick back and has almost destroyed some publishers - but PC gamers tend to be more about technology and happy to not play a game (or get the cracked version which will always exist somewhere) than with just slavishly buying games no matter what. Upset PC gamers and you DO lose custom. If Sony **** on a customer? Release a new God of War or Uncharted and they'll be back anyway (or Halo/ GoW for Microsoft).

So I think either company would be a fool to pursue that course because people will simply not put up with it on a new console. NEVER put anything in a new console that is a reason for people NOT to buy it.

Though I see both pushing more and more downloadable gaming and offering higher rewards for going down that route (early access to games, free DLC, etc) and increasingly adding extra content to new purchases over 2nd hand.

Sony's patent for the tagging of disks though to attach it to a single machine is VERY worrying and if they go down that route, I will not buy a PS4.

Talking of Uncharted and getting people to slavishly buy games, there's a "hand on" article about The Last of US arrived today:
http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2013/02/ ... ast-of-us/

It's Naughty Dog's survival horror and next in Sony's "we don't just make shooters" arsenal ;)

I'm not keen on these kind of games, but it sounds like there's a lot of love and attention gone into it. It's more like the next Resident Evil than Capcom could ever have though of producing. A bit like Uncharted did with Tomb Raider - Naughty Dog take everything that works and replace all the broken stuff with things that work really well. Time will tell, but I'll bet the game is the swan song for the PS3 - probably the best looking, most talked about game to come at the end of the console's life. All you'll hear after the release of this will be GTA V and PS4 titles.
OMG. F1 Race Stars - how on Earth did Codemasters think they could release that load of tosh as a full price title???

At best, it's a 69p from the App Store for a mobile device. What an absolute joke. It's so bland it's unreal.

There's no excitement, no finesse , no "wow" factor and no reason to want to play it. Absolute stinker.

In better news Wake Up Club for the Vita.

What a stupid, ridiculous and petty little thing Sony have given us for free. IT'S FAB!

You set your alarm and put the Vitas into sleep mode. Then, as the time approaches, the Vita looks on the PSN for any other Vitas and Wake Up Club players.

Your alarm goes off and issues you with a challenge - press an icon or something simple. It's a race to be the first person out of the group getting up at that exact time to complete the task (I won this morning in 17 seconds :lol: ).

Once you've "woken up", it presents icons for everyone else in your wake up time club, and you press on their PSN avatars and it sends stupid noises to their Vita to help them wake up too.

Shear genius :lol: Alarm clocks are a chore, but this is fab :)
F1 race stars is so terrible. I like that you can't even sign up to their 'racenet' within the game, good work code masters.

I also finished 1st on both my races in the initiation cup and ended up not winning because my 'team' (another five drivers on the grid) scored low which is totally out of my control.

The online also sucked. Everytime a player joined an open lobby the timer reset to 60 seconds. Get to 30 seconds on the countdown, someone leaves, someone replaces them, back to 60 seconds. Brilliant.

It's only just over a gigabyte but it won't be staying on my HDD.

KNEW this was gonna happen :lol:

Not only this, but it would seem they've pushed the Wii U release 6 months to coincide with the other two
People are raging about this. I personally don't care as I wasn't planning to buy this but it looks like Wii U will be another Wii if this trend continues...