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The Games we play...

This is canny **** like. Nothing really interesting other than Watchdogs right now. Microsoft's won't be that great either like though so meh.

You can't really blame me for finding this bloody uninteresting like, it's more advertising for the Devs and only they can do stuff that's any good or interesting.

Edit: Glad I didn't watch all of that.
I was able to connect through Twitch, so got to see most of it (up to the Havoc demo & then from immediate download playing to the end). The best was saved for last - PS gamers finally get some Bungie love.
Hopefully, the box and the price are two huge announcements saved for E3 to take some gloss off of whatever Microsoft announce.

Won't be buying on release, no reason to, far too much emphasis on social networking but I guess with kids not actually going out and seeing friends IRL that's what the future is
I'll likely buy a PS4 and an Xbox 720 but neither on release date. When they get games worth playing I will buy them. It's getting to the point though where Microsoft seems to only have halo and since all the good FPS players seem to have moved to COD I may not end up buying a 720. We'll see what happens.
Right, can have a proper discussion about this now :lol:

First of all, it's difficult to work out what is "tech demo" and what is actual gameplay. The Killzone footage looked fantastic at the start, but was that pre-rendered and then the live game kicked in afterwards?

Some of the games shown look superb, the Capcom stuff - if it's real time - is superb. However, the Killzone and Watch Dogs stuff still suffered from animation jerkiness. Graphics are improving, but people still "float walk" and you still bound off invisible boundaries around in game objects.

Still, I think the next gen for both Sony and MS fans look good (let's face it, both are going to produce pretty much identical looking games).

In terms of what Sony are bringing to the table?

It's all about how they integrate into other social places (Facebook, YouTube, etc) and other devices. It's all based though (their entire "difference") on PSN. This is something which is very worrying, as it's part of Sony which simply does not hold up. To bet everything on an infrastructure they don't seem to understand or have the technology/talent to build and maintain is a big worry.

I think it's a necessary step and they're getting the idea, but I just don't trust them to get it right.

Things I like.
They've looked at what is broken and put in place a hardware solution to overcome it. The "downloader chip" is a really clever idea for instance.
Cross game chat/video or "finally catching up with Microsoft".
Developer led. Sony has some of the best "unusual" games out there, and they are the only people really supporting developers - so it's great to see that continued.
Media Molecule's tech demo. I loved it. The potential for the system to become a creation tool for animators, artists, performers and film makers is stunning
Road map for the Vita to unlock its potential

Things I don't like.
Developer led, then showing mostly bland shooters and a Forza Horizon rip-off
Move is still light years behind Kinect in terms of "potential". It's a hacked solution from the PS2 days Sony, move on.
The controller? Why the touch screen? Move bar will also be useless.
A degree of their "advance" is actually just catching up with MS. So while it's a massive leap for Sony, it's only a tiny jump ahead of where MS currently are.

Things of concern
PSN - 'nuff said
Backwards compatibility through cloud streaming. Opens so many questions and I'll bet they all involve rebuying titles I already own.
Availability on release of a lot of technology. I'll bet most of the network won't be ready.
No mention of an optical drive. If it is download only (which the hardware suggests), then that's a big issue for me. Online versions are too expensive - there's no competition and you're stuck with a title forever.
No pricing information
Interface! The XMB was a very neat bit of design, the new interface looks too much like the XBox Dash. Also mentions of adverts, etc. Looks like the new store - see point one in this section ;)

I'm sure we'll see more and more now as the devs are allowed to show off their stuff for the system and there are bound to be some real gems in there. The games have the potential to look stunning and Sony seem to be on the right track, but I need more information and more confidence in Sony as an on-line content provisioner before I can really make any decision as to if it's a "buyer" or not.

Very interested in seeing what MS will announce now and how they will push to differentiate between the two systems - it not going to be graphics though. I suspect that MS will disappointingly pick Halo and GoW as their battle plan - but we'll see and I can understand why they would.
furie said:
Things of concern
It's Sony, one of the most customer-hostile "tech" companies on the planet. At least some of your concerns will inevitably happen at one point or another. It's not that I don't trust them to get it right, I just don't trust them, period.
Very true Andy. Their customer support people are actually fantastic, but completely tied by arrogant decisions from higher up the rankings. There's no give or sway from their top levels at all. It's the Sony way or the highway.

Just found out it does have a Blu-Ray drive, so there will still be physical media distribution channels along with some kind of rumour that Sony won't stop second hand games from being played. So that's a concern potentially off the list, which makes the concern over PSN a little lower, but not much :lol:
What I see...

An awful looking controller... The touch pad is made of why and as a result makes the actual design look so damn bland...

Not that the device itself interests me, just looks like what with Wii U's Miiverse and whatever PSN is aiming for it's allllll gonna be online social times for the future...

And FPS'... Lots, and lots of FPS'...

On the plus side Ubisoft have officially announced WatchDogs for Wii U... Making up for Rayman slightly... Though not sure on the point of releasing it on both PS3 and PS4, as it won't make that much of a difference surely?
Nemesis Inferno said:
What I see...

An awful looking controller... The touch pad is made of why and as a result makes the actual design look so damn bland...

Looking from the front, the controller is actually really nice, but yeah, that touch pad is full of why.

NI said:
Not that the device itself interests me, just looks like what with Wii U's Miiverse and whatever PSN is aiming for it's allllll gonna be online social times for the future...

But... That was one of the things I loved about the Wii, and one of the strongest things with the 3DS. The idea of having people you know interacting subtly, or people you pass in the street - it's genius. Sadly, it's completely under utilised. When Nintendo do have a brilliant idea, they never take it to the Nth degree and actually make something of it. It's always "well, that was a good idea and it's in place, let's move on and ignore it". Frustrates the hell out of me :lol:

NI said:
And FPS'... Lots, and lots of FPS'...

Yep... That really annoyed me too. It was the whole "we've been to devs, we support indies, we want all the interesting games Furie keeps banging on about to continue on the PS4 - now here have some bland, brown/grey shooting games" thing - ARRRGH!

NI said:
On the plus side Ubisoft have officially announced WatchDogs for Wii U... Making up for Rayman slightly... Though not sure on the point of releasing it on both PS3 and PS4, as it won't make that much of a difference surely?

Well, the Wii-U version will be being ported from the PS3/360 - so it's a no-brainer :P

The PS3 version will release alongside the 360 version to the 60 million+ current users. It will also release on the PS4 and "720" as enhanced versions, probably ported from the PC version to give early adopters something to play on and go "ooooh, look how much nicer this is now" :)

kimahri said:
I would like to see some interesting exclusives to warrant a buy.

This... It was actually a very poor show of what there is out there, but we're bound to see more arrive in the coming months now that people can officially talk about stuff.
No, because modern games are designed to play through for a month and then you trade it in. If it was Destiny, I could see the point, but not a single player game like Watch Dogs.

It's also unlikely that people will by the PS3 version if they plan to get a PS4. I know if say, Grid 3, was due to be released on the PS3 and PS4 next May and I was umming and ahhing about getting a PS4, it would be a game that helped me make the choice. I'd get a PS4 and the superior version of the game.

I suspect a lot of people will be in similar positions. It's unlikely anyone with any thoughts of upgrading will buy the PS3 version - or they will and then will re-buy the PS4 version if the game is really worth it.

It is quite odd though for concurrent games to be released like this, you're right...
kimahri said:
I would like to see some interesting exclusives to warrant a buy.

As of now, only square has confirmed a new Final Fantasy for the PS4 that we get to waot til E3 to see......so, yea. New age Final Fantasy.

Wonder what will come first, Versus XIII, XIV or new age FF :lol:

Oh, and Diablo 3 and whatever else Blizzard tosses Sonys way.

And just to be 'that guy', it is totally the remake of VII all the fanboys have been creaming over ;)

Onto other things, havent they already dealt with this when the PS3 originally came out? I swear they were doing PS2 versions of some early PS3 titles since it kind of flopped, hard. Plus, we have already seen this social fad implemented into a few games (mainly FPS so you can show people how you artificially shoot someone or tag them with a grenade), but Dark Souls (Demon Souls as well I believe) was the only one that really stood out with its use. If you were online, you would be able to see other peoples "ghost" play through and possibly leave a message abou an upcoming enemy or whatnots. So while Im not too keen on the whole Social Media tendency the newer systems are adding into themselves ("Hey, I HAVE NO LIFE" is all that is typically used for), I will wait until Ive used a game with use of the social bits in mind (ala Dark/Demon Souls).
No Vita price cut in Europe or the states. Sony what are you thinking?

Also, PS4 still comes down to price. If it's the coolest system in the world but if it costs an insane amount it's pointless.
We are in a situation where our ps3 is on it last legs, needs a bigger disk and new reader.

Probably just going to wait now for the ps4 as there is no point spending money.

I was reading today though that quiet a few people no longer feel tied to Sony as the ps4 cannot play older games so they might switch to the new Xbox.
^Where did they say it can't play older games? They announced you'd be able to get older games...

Also, the Nextbox may not have backwards compatibility either...