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The ^ < V game

^ Yes, bless you!

< Hands Karen a tissue.

V Is on a holiday away from work/school or college.
^Only if you consider weekends to be such
< Is completely sore in the legs from hiking 20 miles over 2 mountains yesterday
V Enjoys the outdoors
^ 'Course! Really hot today (+17C), and I just came home from a scout trip.
< Won't be leaving the house anymore today.
V Can't pronounce 'fjord' (muhahahahahahahaha).
^ No way, you're a boy scout? I'm an Eagle scout. Oh and I think it's said like "Fyord"
< Has a physics quiz tomorrow morning
V Is using a Mac
^I'm on a school computer, and they suck about as much as mine. Least they have a Pentium 4...
<Is at school, and should be working on his Senior Speech for Graduation. I'm lazy, I know...
VAlso lazy
^ Yes very, especially when it comes to doing work!

< Speaking of work, I have **** loads of coursework that needs to be in by Friday and hasn't done most of it!

V Also has a lot of coursework
^ Yes. It also has to be in on Friday.

< Annoyed, because my only chance of doing the work afterschool was canceled.

v Annoyed.
^yes, that Man Utd aren't losing to Barcelona!

<is on CoasterForce whilst watching Peter Pan with 9 year old brother

V is going to tell me that Man Utd are now losing :wink:
^Find out yourself

< Doesn't give a peanut about Football

V Gives at least a peanut (or a more rude word) about football.
^ only antisocial people aren't :lol:

< wants to go back to Disneyland Paris (or failing that... legoland)

V Also has a soft spot for the Legoland parks
^ No idea
< Is a little bummed that he's going to miss the NFL draft on Saturday
V Knows that American football is worlds better than the other kind of football
^ no not yet, it just gone half 7 in the morning :lol:

< is getting ready for college

v is also getting ready for college/wherever they are educated
^ Yes, but my mum is making me dinner now :D

< Is watching Top Gear on 'Daveeeeeeeee'

V Loves 'Daveeeeeeeeee'
^How can you not love the home of witty banter?

< is going to eat some homemade KFC style chicken

V Loves Lions/Tigers/Big Cats
^ True, I've done all my work earlier.

< Has left their SATs revision until 1 week before the exam.

V Has exams next week