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Thorpe Park | Hyperia | Mack Hyper Coaster | 2024

Surprised this has not been posted, from their website/social media:

Hyperia will be closed for maintenance between 23rd and 27th September 2024

(the anxiety this is giving me as I'm due to visit on 20th)
Surprised this has not been posted, from their website/social media:

Hyperia will be closed for maintenance between 23rd and 27th September 2024

(the anxiety this is giving me as I'm due to visit on 20th)
Same but 29th, hope they don't run over. Wonder if anything what they'll be doing
Went to Thorpe yesterday for the 9pm close.

What an unexpectedly great evening. Far more goons than I was expecting. It was like a second opening day. Fantastic atmosphere with everyone cheering on the dispatches.

Both night rides I've had on Hyperia now have been the best ones. Not just because of the dark, but because it actually feels faster by that point in the evening.

Dispatches were lightning fast. The queue closed at 8.20pm on a 180-minute advertised wait. This turned out to be a flat out lie – it only took an hour. 😆
Rode it twice today and we were very lucky!

Got to Hyperia on park opening and was greeted by the staff explaining it was on a 2 hour delayed opening as they were waiting on external maintenance technicians arriving at the park. (Odd?)

During this time we got speaking to an Intamin staff member who had come to the park to ride Hyperia (as he had been involved in the ride at Drayton). He overheard our conversation about Hagrids in Orlando and provided us with some great insights about that, and the other work he was involved in (drayton, Saudi, universal) It was a real eye opener!

Hyperia itself: advertised 2 hour delay opening (opened around 11:25). Managed 2 rides before it was closed (2:45-5:15ish, weather). 8.5/10. Excellent ride and the only thing letting it down is the length.

I felt the best inversion is a fight between the first drop, and the stall.

UK #1, easily.

So much air time and was refreshing to be on something so good. My score is impacted due to riding in the morning (slower) and riding on rows 6 and 2.

If they could have managed another 15 seconds of ride time without the trim brake, it would be amazing. But, in its current form it's still truly excellent. Thorpe should be proud
Regarding the piece of train body trim that has been removed from the back of both trains, I noticed that the mounting brackets for this piece seem to have sheared or been cut on train 2. The brackets had just been removed from train 1.

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Finally got on Hyperia yesterday, after it didn't open for the first hour or so of the park being open. They were testing it loaded up with water dummies, then it was going around empty for a while, then it just seemed to stop completely for about 40 minutes before they sent a few more test trains round and opened it.

Overall I was pretty disappointed with it. Lots of positive Gs, and the big dive loop thing was cool, but it really is so short and I don't think the first drop and outerbanks were that interesting.

Wanted to post though because lift hill motor was making a godawful noise right next to the queue line. Does it always do that? For some reason it was louder with one of the trains than the other one, we unfortunately ended up stuck next to it for about 4 dispatches and it actually hurt our ears it was so loud. Surely that can't be right?
Overall I was pretty disappointed with it. Lots of positive Gs, and the big dive loop thing was cool, but it really is so short and I don't think the first drop and outerbanks were that interesting.
My brother also rode for the first time yesterday and was texting me updates throughout the day. He was on the 4th train of the day in the 4th row and came off with similar thoughts to you being slightly disappointed. Great first drop but nothing too special after that.

However he went back on later in the day once it had warmed up and he got the back row and said the whole thing was absolutely incredible.
My brother also rode for the first time yesterday and was texting me updates throughout the day. He was on the 4th train of the day in the 4th row and came off with similar thoughts to you being slightly disappointed. Great first drop but nothing too special after that.

However he went back on later in the day once it had warmed up and he got the back row and said the whole thing was absolutely incredible.
I had a dream that I rode it and it was completely forceless and I was mad disappointed about it 😂
I rode Hyperia for the first time today. Unfortunately the coaster's reliability meant I was only able to ride twice, as it didn't open until after 12 and broke down for about 20 mins during the second time I queued (which was in the last hour of the day). Due to this I waited over an hour each time despite the rest of the rides in the park only having 5-15 minute waits most of the day, and Hyperia consistently had a 40-90 minute queue. I'm gonna keep my thoughts of the presentation short and simple, I agree with most people. Clearly unfinished in areas, but solid in others. I will also say that it doesn't look as imposing as I expected (possibly due to the lack of and compact nature of it), but that's not to say it's not of significant size.

So, onto the fun stuff. In both of my rides, I was assigned to the front row (well, the second time I was assigned to row 9 and then got reassigned to the front, so ended up having two front row rides, once on the left and right). So even though I haven't sat in a diverse range of seats (or as far away from the back of the train as possible), the front did provide great views of this insane ride experience. And oh boy, what a ride. The outerbank out of the station doesn't really do much for me aside from being a visual spectacle in the queue and I personally prefer Untamed's, but it does give you a taste of the insanity that will soon be bestowed upon you.

So after cresting the speedy lift, I dived down what many claim to be the best first drop in the world. Even though I've only ridden in the front and haven't been able to experience this element's true power, the airtime and laterals it offered really surprised me, and if it rides like that in the front then the back must feel unholy, it's fantastic!

The drop valley up into the NI Immelmann offers fantastic positives and I greyed out both times, before descending down the other side. Now I must admit, this drop didn't do a whole lot for me in my early ride as the coaster hadn't fully warned up, however later on it offered some decent flojector in the front, which I imagine would be really awesome ejector in the back.

The Kremer roll was demented, and despite running faster in the second ride, it felt crazy both times and was honestly kind of a blur. Fantastic element that I hope we see on more coasters in the future. The stall dive loop offered some great weightlessness, honestly acting as a bit of a breather from the previous elements but hanging there for a prolonged period was great and I can see why some people consider this their favourite moment of the ride.

Now unfortunately, I did find the following trims quite jarring and it's a shame the splashdown isn't currently working, however I found that the ending elements were still taken at a decent pace and the ride really didn't feel to let up until the final brakes. But wow, after hitting those brakes my first thoughts were "What a crazy out-of-control experience" and "That didn't feel too short". I really didn't have a problem with the ride length, and honestly thought it felt complete purely due to the fact there was never a dull moment unlike a certain UK Mack multi-launch.

It really is an incredible, world class coaster that we finally have in the UK. It's easily the country's best, and despite my limited rides, I am placing it as my #1 just edging Shambhala. Moreover, I found it to be glossy smooth, I never noticed a rattle. It's about as smooth as you can get for a coaster that travels at that speed, however that may be because I've only ridden in the front. But yeah, everyone needs to come down and ride this thing asap, it's truly a superb ride, and I can't wait to come back down to ride it some more.
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Guess which idiot booked his trip for the 24th 😭 Tickets successfully changed to 2nd October though. Ugh, just want on this thing already!
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