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Thoughts on Swarm

Proper review tomorrow but it's fantastic, not just a great addition to Thorpe but the uk.

I have no idea how people can say Baco has force and this has none, this has far more all the way round.

I am really fussy with what I like, and I love this.

Just a note I rode it before I met up with the group so the group had no influence on my view.
Ok, I lied. It is pretty danm good and the only coaster in Thorpe that is actually enjoyable to ride. The actors seem to have no clue on what tits they're doing nor what they're supposed to be acting to. Random pink pajama lady was oblivious to what she was doing and pedopreist just kinda wandered around doing nothing.
I did this ride nine times.

I was a little disappointed with the theming, they could have done a lot more. The church was wonderful, yes, but the area itself was lacking somewhat. The overturned vehicles did look placed randomly, and what kind of village has only a church and some vehicles? I can only hope they will add to it as it goes along.

The actual ride? I queued up, bubbling with excitement, managed to get on the front of the ride, on the right. I got on, climbed that lift hill, and turned, and I dunno where it came from, cause that turn was slow, but there was SPEED. I don't know what people who are saying that this has no force were doing on the ride, but they blatantly weren't paying attention. Anywhere you sit on the ride, there is something good, at the back, you can watch everyone turn, at the front, the turn is slightly longer. Swooping under that plane wing is a beautiful part of the ride, and the inversions are ALL just the sex. I don't like the idea of water squirting at me, on a freezing cold night, and I'm going quite fast, cause that's cold.

The ride looks impressive, is impressive, and trolls you, because you watch it, and it looks slow, and graceful, and its not. The theming needs improvement, and I'm not keen on the water. Overall:
I was really impressed too. And it's exciting to see such praise for a coaster at Thorpe, really exciting. Usually we're searching for good things to say, and with this I was looking for criticisms.

I thought the actual ride was better than expected. It's not the Air I imagined it to be, it's pretty intense. Due to the seating the forces are weird too and it's nice to feel something different. The only criticism I have of the actual ride experience is the shuddering and wobbling. I expected it, I don't know how you could avoid it with such trains, and it doesn't really effect the ride experience... So it's a pretty crap criticism really. You also only get it on the back outer seats. I was expecting to dislike the first drop since I hate hangtime, but actually it's very cool.

Theme wise... I'm impressed. It wasn't looking that great in photos. When you cross the bridge into the area the atmosphere is something special. I think the soundtrack for it is immensely well done and adds a LOT to the atmosphere. I really like the fire truck, but I wish the splash there came up further. I feel as you progress towards the entrance, the theming standard increasingly drops, but it never hits "crap". There are a few things that make little sense, but they work as an overall visual. The standard of effects is pretty damn good. The entire ride gives off a sense of there being no hope rather than of mass panic. It's all weirdly relaxing.

I aim to write a proper review of it for once, but I have another article to finish first, so dunno when I'll get round to it.
Just came back from Thorpe Park and managed to ride The Swarm 8 or 9 times in various different positions .
Heres a review ....

Theming: The station is awesome and likewise is the misty plane wing and tower. The sound effects and tv reports add to the experience and the little details really set it apart from other rides at Thorpe Park. The not so good bits of theming are the random vehicles which could have looked better and the station line which had poorly themed fencing. Overall very good and the actors made it enjoyable but I wish there was more of a story to the ride ... 8.5/10 (P.S the trains are awesome looking)

Ride experience : The first drop at the front or back takes your breathe away and the inline twist at the end is also superb. The zero g roll was a little disappointing but the inclined loop suprised me cause it actually was really fun . The turn around at the helicopter at the right is fuc*ing awesome especially when the water splash is in sync with the train and the helicopter tail actually for me provided a near miss plus the track structure also provides another near miss. The corkscrew is good and the ride is quite forceful sometimes especially at the back. Overall a brilliant ride and up there with some of the best rides in the UK .... 9.0/10 (P.S my favourite was the front on the left but its cool how both sides offer a different experience)

Overall 9/10 for the whole experience. The ride is superb and the theming is very good. My new favourite ride at Thorpe Park and probably my second favourite ride in the UK behind Nemesis. Such a smooth and re ridable coaster, thanks B&M for another quality coaster :D
Went on The Swarm 8 times, here are my thoughts.


The themeing is great, the plane looks very realistic and the burnt out fire engine near Depth Charge adds to the apocalypse theme. The news channel in the queue is good to watch/listen to the first time but gets a bit annoying after that. The Church style station looks briliant.

The Ride

The ride is amazing, on the best coasters I have ever been on. I think the best seat is front left as it is on the inside of the briliant first drop, back right is the most intense seat. The part where the train swoops under the plane wing is incredible. The in-line twist over the station is amazing.


A brilliant ride 10/10
furie said:
Sorry, it's slightly off-topic, but those are my thoughts on The Swarm so far. I doubt they'll change much after riding it.

Dammit, I was wrong. I was really surprised by the ride, and it takes a lot to impress me.

I'll break it down like everyone has.

I think it's a bit of a funny one. It's always hard to produce a theme that contains a valid reason for (or can hide) a 127' inversion. It's a coaster, and it's a tall coaster. It's in a theme park full of other rides in a very small space. You can't do "exclusive" ride areas. The best you can do is to work within your bounds.

I think that the theme doesn't quite go far enough, but as this isn't Disney, it's a very harsh criticism. It falls short of being totally immersing a visitor, but... It's still very good. I think that the ride (going off the theme conversation for two seconds) is generally all round like this. Not as great as it could be, but consistently "very good".

I liked that the brick path for the main plaza area was curved up as it hit the ride "destruction" area, like it had been impacted by the plane crash. Lots of little things like that.

I guess I could best summarise it as the best balance between immersion and practicality that Thorpe could achieve. With maybe an extra few million pounds they could have "done a Disney", but what they have done is very good, and when you're on the ride, it works exceptionally well.

I found the seats perfectly comfortable. After my 8th go, I was getting a bit of pain across my shoulders from the restraints, but that's natural. Generally I found the ride smooth and the restraints absolutely fine. Outside seats shake, and detracted from the ride quality a little for me, but it's no game breaker in any way. Nemesis on the left side always eats my ear, and I don't let that ruin the ride either :)

I'll cover things in more details in a moment, but I don't think I've ever been on a coaster that varies so drastically from seat to seat. I think everyone will get something out of one area of the ride that suits them. I hate the Baco "you have to be in the right seat to enjoy it" argument, but this is different. On Baco if you aren't "on the right seat", then it kills you (I also rode it on the right seat and it killed me, I was told I was riding at the wrong time of day :roll: ). On The Swarm, the ride is is still a good ride anyway. It may not be "amazing", but it's still a solid ride. Nemesis in the mediocre middle is bland, but still kind of fun. This is like that, get ona seat that doesn't agree with you and it's just "okay", but it's not bad.

First Drop
I loved it from every seat. It's not got blood rushing high g-forces like the Nemesis Helix, but it's got a superb kind of constant force. It picks up a terrific speed (you can't tell how fast it goes off-ride) and it's a really great drop. I was expecting a nasty hang-time and lame, slow fall but it's not.

I found that the left side was best for this, particularly the front. I loved the odd dropping feeling you got as it twisted and the world fell away underneath you. In the front, it was a mild thrill and a great feeling. Loved it from the front left.

On the right, I found it a bit too hang-heavy for my preference, so the twist was a let down for me there. The actual drop though at the front was excellent (both sides) as you suddenly accelerate towards the wing as the train follows round. The middle has some decent high-g's and the back pulls round nicely, but you lose a little force as the train is slowing as it enters the zero-g at the front. It's STILL fast though.

Zero G
Adorable. Probably takes away the "my favourite inversion" prize off Shockwave's Zero-G. It's definitely the equal of Kahn's, maybe better because it's "fun". You head up into the element and it's so smooth and methodical, then "bam" you're into airtime heaven. Brilliant element.... On the left. On the right, it's lacking the fun and forces for some reason. The same "dropping away" you get on the first drop on the left just isn't here on the right at this point. It's just not as good. On the left though, it's gorgeous.

First "water-dip" turn (left hand)
Nothing to write home about. It's mildly forceful and fine. It's great fun on the left though as you skim the water and the water effect spouts up. It's very effective, I loved the interacting. On the right it's okay, nothing like the stall turn on Nemesis which is a bit - this is kind of "middling".

Wingover/Zero-GWFT is this element? It's too tight for a Wingover and it feels like a zero-G, so I'm going for Zero-G. It's not as good as the first one, but there's still the airtime on the left and the "meh" on the right. Yeah, just like the first one on 25% less-so.

Second "water-dip" turn (right hand)
Like the first one, it's a turn, only the right hand side of the train gets the water effect this time. It's alright :lol:

Inline Twist over the station
Hated this. I hate hang time and this was dreadful. On my first ride it ruined the experience for me. On subsequent rides I braced and it was "suffer-able". From the station, it looks brilliant as the train swoops over with the noise. On-ride, it's nasty hang-time. If you like hang-time though then you'll be fine :)

I have to say, the restrains here are utterly brilliant. They allowed me to properly brace myself and keep my shoulders from being destroyed. So great use of restraints, nasty element.

The ride peters out after that point. Brake run and turn back to the station dullness.

There's so little to the ride, but it fills it all up with "something". My first ride I was shocked by how much I liked it (apart from the the inline). It was just a really nice, fun ride with some shocking bits of force here and there (I was on the right on my first run).

ERT obviously gave me the opportunity to try out lots of different seats and experiences. I constantly found the ride "fun", but the front left seat ride is one of the best ride experiences I've had outside of America. It was really, really superb. Anyone who saw my face afterwards will tell you how unadulterated my joy was.

Now for the serious bit. It's definitely a ride that requires "the right seat for you" to get a feeling of brilliance. We had the advantage too of both ERT to try lots of seats in quick succession to get a good feel for the ride. It was also night "which adds to the ride experience" and it had been wet all day. It was also at the end of the day. Essentially, we experienced the coaster at it's absolute best and had the chance to find our favourite part - the best of the best. So our reviews here are probably not a good representation of the ride most days (though I think Jordan's is pretty fair).

Most people though came off their first early morning rides though with the thoughts "that's a very good coaster" in them. ERT heightened that, but it can't destroy that overall feeling. I love Nemesis no matter where, but back right in the dark and wet for me is a sublime experience. So you have to have two different views on a coaster. Your best ride and an average ride.

An average ride on The Swarm is "good". It's a solid coaster, it's great fun and it's got lots of little bits that make it so. The theme as you whiz around isn't in your face, but it's there adding to it. The ride is paced oddly. It's slow, heavy, light, slow, fun, slow, ARRRRGHHHHH, end. Unlike the B&M Inverts which are fast, fast, faster, faster, fast, end (or Baco which is WOWFAST, light, PLEASE GET ME OFF NOW).

A good ride on it though, best of the best? It's brilliant. I personally think, even on an average ride, it's the best coaster addition to the UK since 1994. When you're in the right seat and it's running right, it doesn't quite give Nemesis a run for it's money, but at that point it's clearly the best UK coaster addition since Nemesis.

I'm with Jordan that most of the time, it's a 4/5 (8/10) coaster. Those special rides though easily push it to a 4.5/5 (9/10), maybe 4.75(9.5/10) (sorry just showing that 4/5 scales don't always work :p ).

Just realised, this has the be the gooniest, most dreadful post I've ever made... I suspect I had bad influences around me on Saturday :p )
Really great coaster, spent my first ride on it laughing the whole way round... The inversions are fun, there's some airtime, and if you can get them to sync up perfectly (as they did on my first ride, 4th row on the right), it's brilliant. Easily the best ride in the park.
With these wing coasters, does anyone else reckon the dynamics of the ride might be a bit better if it were a 5 car train?
Yes there would be a capacity reduction, but at the same time SLCs get by with 20 person trains, and puttting in an MCBR is always an option.

But at the same time, the weight of the train and the length would be more akin to a regular B&M train, so it might pace a bit better.
^I know what you mean. The past three days on park I was looking at the trains and realising the sheer size of the things compared to say, Nemesis. I don't know the actual dimensions, but it seemed to me that they were about the same width as the Oblivion trains, so multiply that by the length they really are colossal.
I thought it was themed rather well, there’s not much in the UK you can compare it to in terms of theming. Yes the theming was a little perfectly placed and the block paving reminded me of a new shopping centre that’s opened near me, but overall the area felt like it was in another park. I was surprised to see no covering over the queue or station, it rained a lot when I went and was soaked by the time we finished.

It is a short ride, you can’t deny it :) But like Raptor I didn’t get off feeling disappointed but wanting more. As for the ride itself it’s not a brutal G force inducing beast but smooth sweeping turns and inversions, almost calm! Nemesis is more intense in terms of twist and turns. There are a few seats on the train that will give you a different experience each time which is nice.

I didn’t like the harness, I don’t get why you have to be completely pinned in your seat for the ride. The staff at TP needs to sort out the bag drop and loading area. Complete chaos! Huge queue but at least 3 empty seats every ride!
I agree there about the bag room. Very unorganised and by the time I dropped my bag off I had forgot which side I was meant to be on.

Somehow, The ERT was more organised then the bag room!
Let me just pretend to be surprised everyone thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread after ERT...
I've already made the distinction Ben ;)

My first go I was expecting a kind of Air type of ride. It was much better and a good coaster. At times on the ERT it was blindingly good, but that's not a "normal" ride, so... Yeah, it's good, but people need to be careful of over-hyping due to the ERT session...
Is the sound effect somewhat connected to the train hitting the trim...or is it just coincidence?

Anyway, will be riding this in just over a month and can't wait to see how this compares to Raptor!
And the fire effect! <3
..and the CF documentary (as always).
Ben said:
Let me just pretend to be surprised everyone thinks it's the best thing since sliced bread after ERT...

I had already made up my mind before meeting up with cf as we managed to get on it before the meetup time.
Indeed, same here. I geniunely and thoroughly enjoyed it THAT much long before the ERT. That was just the icing on the cake. :)