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Thoughts on Swarm

Speed is crap I totally hated it.

Honest though even at 09:45 back left gave plenty of g and a great ride, which was enough to leave a smile on the face of a fussy coaster rider (me).
Mark said:
Haha, see I still love Speed too.

I know YOU love it! It was the documentary that got me all hyped up for it! Then it turned out to be on oe the worst major coasters in exsistance!
I do think the ERT may be causing a lot of the hype.

Also, I find it quite funny that a lot of The Swarm bummers are the same people who criticise members of certain other sides for having a skewed opinion of a ride after a fab ERT session.

I'm not saying anything bad about Swarm. I haven't ridden it yet so can't comment, but I'm aware how ERT can sometimes distort the general view of a particular coaster, so will take all this hype with a pinch of salt.

I know I'm being a hypocrite, because some coasters are probably a bit higher on my count than they would be if I hadn't had night ERT on them. The difference is, I'm aware of this and don't overhype these coasters to people outside of that social circle.

So, yeah, this is more aimed at those who have slagged off other sites in the past for doing the exact same thing they are doing right now... now the shoe is on the other sock.

I'm glad everyone had fun, but remember you may not be saying the same things about Swarm in a year or so.

I just hope it's better than Craptor, or I'll be very disapointed.
For me personally the ert did not sway me, as I said rode it before ert and before the meetup.

All the ert gave me was a chance to ride front row and other seats, something I would normally have to queue for.

I cannot ride the outside seats anywhere but the front or back as my back and neck could not take the bounce. But it's not like the Baco bounce, it's just different and I did not want to put my back out. That's about the only negative apart from it ending when it could keep going I found.

I am glad I got the ride in 1st thing that way I know my views were not group or ert influenced. Tbh have never let my views be influenced anyway. Quiet a few times 20 people have said something was great and I have said it was crap, or the other way round.

I was expecting nothing from this and it shocked me and it's been a long time since a coaster done that.

I think just about everyone had formed an opinion before the ert anyway.

I liked raptor as well, but it's never going to make my top 20 this will make my top 10. It's not the greatest coaster in the world that's for sure but it's bloody good.
I thoroughly agree with Phil's post. It's times like these that we need a "like" button.

I was going to write a hefty review, but now I perhaps shall wait until I've riden it in normal conditions... Without the CF group, without the rain and without ERT.

My first ride in the morning left me smiling. It was... It was good! On going around to assess what everyone else thought, it seemed like even the most hard to please were for the most part impressed.

It'll be fun to see how it is received as the year progresses. I've heard its been slated elsewhere. When people, especially Brits, criticise rides of this quality, you have to wonder how they can even enjoy rides at all.

Even if you're not overtly impressed with Swarm, you'd have to be insane to not place it in, at the very least, top 5 UK.

We don't have a lot of quality rides here. Swarm is finally a needed addition to them.

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Joey said:
It'll be fun to see how it is received as the year progresses. I've heard its been slated elsewhere. When people, especially Brits, criticise rides of this quality, you have to wonder how they can even enjoy rides at all.

Even if you're not overtly impressed with Swarm, you'd have to be insane to not place it in, at the very least, top 5 UK.

I think it's very much a case of the negative speakers being louder then the positive. The general reaction on forums as a whole seems to be that The Swarm is a good ride. Not outstanding, not the best ride since sliced bread, but a ride that will do good things for the park. It's so easy just to start comparing to the intense rides such as Nemesis and Katun or bizarrely, comparing it to Manta and Air but it's nothing like them in the slightest.

Really, it can only be compared to Baco and Raptor and The Swarm comes off very well. I personally think Thorpe have judged The Swarm well. It's adverts don't say it's the most intense thing you'll ever ride and the theming, what is there, is of a high quality. Once they've properly finished with the ride, it will popular with Thorpes guests as a whole. Agree with you Joer, Swarm is definitly a UK top 5 rollercoaster.
I think to a degree, there's shock value which Marc has mentioned. A lot of people were expecting something a bit bland and mediocre, but that shock that it's "fun" kind of knocks you a bit.

I'd put it in a similar category to Inferno. It's not the best ride in the world, but it's a good ride. Something that you do want to go on when you visit the park and come off having enjoyed yourself. A little like Lightning Race, not the best woody in the world, but a really fun ride. It's that "fun" vs "enthusiast good" thing again, that grey area.

Though on the ERT it WAS enthusiast good, but it's rare people will see that side of it outside of Frightnights.

It's a tough one, but I'm not influenced by others, I believe completely in what you feel at the time. It was good fun and I enjoyed each ride which I guess is what it's all about?

Ride it and make up your own mind, I've not got a problem with anyone who doesn't think it's a good coaster, as long as they're objective and not overly nit-picky. :)
It's fantastic! Hated it before the ERT though and blates only love it because of that. ;)

Colossus is still better though. IMO
I rode it before the ERT (with Steph, who needed someone to ride with her so she could use her disabled pass... the price I pay for being polite and helpful, it's tough but someone's got to do it :p ), and really enjoyed it then. I also went back today and rode it several times during the day, and my opinion is still pretty much the same: it's a really really fun ride, easily the most fun in the park and probably the most fun steel coaster in the UK.

I say "most fun" rather than "best" - Nemesis, for example, is clearly a much "better" coaster from an reasonably objective viewpoint, but I don't find it anywhere near as fun to actually ride.

Of course having said that, I'm still in the "cult of the new" mindset about it; it'll be interesting to see how my opinion changes over time. But I think it's definitely fair to say it's the best coaster and the most fun at Thorpe Park.

I'll stop over-analysing this now... :p
Went back today and had 11 more rides that just backed up my views.

It was running even better today than on Saturday and the zero g roll was really good. I never really felt this at the weekend but today I floated.

I was able to ride outside seats today as well so experienced even more when sitting on the right.

In the summer this coaster is just going to feel even better.

The park was dead and everyone just seemed to be re riding it, the queue never got about 5 mins and the ride ops seemed a lot faster.

For me it's the best coaster in the park now.
Tomorrow is Swarm day for me so I like the sound of an empty park! :D

If anyone else is about look out for a guy in a Cedar Point tee - I'm here with work so going single rider!
I`m the only CF member who has yet to ride Swarm, Easter Sunday needs to hurry up so I can stop living in the past and be up to date by riding Swarm and contributing my opinion of it.
nealbie said:
Colossus is still better though. IMO

Oh my God! I wouldn't be that harsh!

I'm quite pleasently suprised with the positive views this coaster has. I thought that it was quite bland, and not very exciting, however I felt the theme and the overal experience was very good. In summary, I did enjoy it and think it is a fantastic addition to our country. Not the most thrilling experience, but definately an admirable piece of art in the coaster world. It is definately one of the most asthetically pleasing coasters I have ever seen. Even beyond the theme, I think the coaster is visually stunning.

I loved the theme, the experience and the fact I was getting on a coaster again. Thumbs up!

But there should be fire.
Colossus The Power of 10 said:
I`m the only CF member who has yet to ride Swarm, Easter Sunday needs to hurry up so I can stop living in the past and be up to date by riding Swarm and contributing my opinion of it.

It's ok, no-one's opinion counts until Ben and Jake have been on it ;) .
Oh, bitch please, there was no need for you to respond to me - I wasn't addressing you. Next time keep your crooked, over-sized nose out of things that don't involve you.

You try having people accusing you of only have certain opinions because of ERT sessions, who then turn around and suck on the balls of anything they have a session on. It's ridiculous.
You're right, it's totally unthinkable that a 130ft B&M be any good without some sort of perk. My bad :p
Ben said:
Oh, bitch moan, whine complain throw dummy out of pram whinge gobble mergh - I cry blah blah. Ribbit ribbit ribbit squeek croaked, la-spit nose woo blah blah blah blah blah blah.

You whine and cry moan moan moan temper tantrum bitch bitch bitch ERT sessions, reject dummy that has beem returned suck on the balls cry some more and start making weird. Noises Frog.

Ok ok, the pair of you get back in your kennels already... or at least take it to PMs!

Having ridden it again (quite a lot) whilst shooting the documentary I have to say that I will stick to my original thoughts from 9.30am on Saturday. It is brilliant. I don't think it quite beats Nemesis out (much to the dismay of one of their managers/old colleague) but it is certainly the best in the park and I am really struggling to think of anything in the UK that I would place above it besides Nemesis.

For me, it feels that Thorpe have upped the stakes in terms of UK rollercoasters. This had an almost 'U.S.' grandeur feel about it. It's the sort of coaster I would expect to see in an American park if that makes any sense at all, it is kind of hard to explain.

The atmosphere on the island was buzzing both on Saturday and again yesterday when it was also far quieter. The consistency in the theme, sound effects etc really seem to help that.

The Swarm had pretty much everything I would want in a coaster, and got me excited to ride again. I even look forward to getting back to Thorpe (a feeling for the park that I thought was long lost) to ride again.

As a side note: I have never, ever seen Marc come off of a rollercoaster and be excited enough to want to go straight back on, like EVER. To see it happen with The Swarm with a person who is quite 'picky' or 'fussy' about coasters suggests they must have done something right or at the very least, that my own excitement and love for the coaster is not completely unfounded.
Edit from my trip report-

Theming- the theming is EXCELLENT. I can't think of many coasters that have this much put into the theming. I mean, there's half of a commercial airliner strewn across the track! Plus a trashed firetruck, a mock up helicopter and the blown out church style station building. It's quite impressive. Inside the station as a new train arrives a screeching metal sound plays through the PA and the effect is very cool. My only negative about the site (and it's not really a negative) is that land upon which it's built has just been left as upturned earth. No grass has been laid, it hasn't been patted down, essentially it still looks a bit like a building site. But of course this lends itself to the theme of destruction and within a few seasons it will be covered in weeds anyway which imo will look a bit better.

Ride- the lift hill provides a cool visual of the seemingly vertical drop and as you crest the lift hill and the train flips depending on what side of the train you are on you will either be way above the track or way below it.
The drop provides a good bit of air and after that the main aspect that stands out for me about this coaster is the interaction with the scenery. The 100ft zero G is a highlight as is the inline twist at the end of the layout over the station. Obviously it's turns are not as tight as Nemesis Inferno, so it's not really as intense as that ride in terms of the way it changes direction, but you get some good hits of air and the visuals are great. Also the back row is by far the best on this ride. The air on the drop increases and you briefly lose your stomach on the zero G when rode on the back. Overall I'd give The Swarm 8.5/10. it's not amazing, but all things considered it's very good and on a par with Stealth as best ride in the park.

But to compare it to Nemesis at Alton?, Nemesis is much better- that's a true 10/10 ride.