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Thoughts on Swarm

^Well I meant for just one ride! I would say the only two that possibly beat it are Saw (cause of all the indoor stuff) and Nemesis Inferno (because of the smoking mountain).
Well, I’ve finally ridden The Swarm and after hearing such good things about it I was expecting a lot! Sadly, it didn’t quite live up to it, and here’s what I think.

The coaster itself is alright. I knew it was going to be pretty graceful and not one of these big force machines, so in that respect I was pleased. I was surprised by the bumping too, it was nowhere near as bad as I was expecting it to be, which is great as it really upped the re-ride-ability! We tried three seats – front right, front left and back left. For me the left side is better, I preferred the first drop and the zero-G on the left side and I liked being higher through the right hand corners. I also thought that the barrel roll was better on the left because you end up closer to the church. As for front/back? I don’t really mind to be honest. Front is cool as you get the view (duh!), but I like seeing the whole train twisting around from the back so…

I think the thing I wasn’t hugely impressed with was the theming. After hearing what everyone had said about the theming I was expecting it to be really impressive but… it’s just not. The station is neat, I think it’s been designed well (except maybe the complete lack of roof) and I like the destruction. I think the firetruck, helicopter and containers are all a bit **** though. I didn’t get the same feeling of destruction as I got from the station. I think they could have done to be a bit more smashed up and broken, not just flamethrowered and positioned around. The operating booth was also a bit odd. I think the idea was neat, but it looks VERY placed and really not that convincing. I also just don’t understand the massive baron areas of paving. It makes the whole thing feel so forced and fake and temporary. It’s almost like they could re-theme Swarm overnight with just a crane. It was all a bit too clean for a full scale alien invasion (or whatever the **** it is). None of this is helped by the horrendous acting going on on the TV screens. It’s seriously just awful…

I do however, think the trains look great! They remind me (well, Jerry pointed this out) of the Alien ship things from Cowboys vs Aliens. Unfortunately the near misses are all pretty shoddy. The keyhole happens far too quickly and the helicopter might as well not be there, but I’ll give it some credit, those trains look fabulous going round the track.

Finally just some other things that bugged me. The one train operation yesterday was simply insane. The queue moved so slowly and they really should be trying to run more than one train on their brand new, premiere attraction. Also, the drainage in the queue was terrible. I know it’s poured a lot in the last few days, but the alley behind the operating booth was properly flooded, it was a bit ridiculous really.

So this sounds like I’ve slated the ride a lot. I really don’t think it’s that bad, I think the coaster is good, it’s a solid addition to the ride line-up at Thorpe and it’s definitely a move in the right direction for Merlin/Thorpe, but I’m nowhere near as impressed as everyone else was by it. Jerry will be posting up his thoughts in detail soon too, but he reckoned it was the worst of the three he’s ridden. I can’t even understand how someone could compare it to Nemesis and think they’d be of a comparable quality. That’s just beyond me. ;) Swarm is good, but not amazing.
Just a small question;
1. Do you get hangtime on the inline roll?
2. If you are on the back row on the right hand side, do you have airtime on the zero-g?
^1.) Not particularly, the inline is taken at quite a reasonable speed.
2.) I have ridden back right and there is really no airtime at all nor a zero-G sensation either. To me it is far too slow, unlike Nemesis.

So then...my view of Swarm. I rode it 6 times last weekend.

As said a few posts above, the theming is well detailed, but feels like its just been scatterred around the place, quite loosely. The drop is pretty good though, and is incredibly forceful (especially on the front row) and is a really unique (and compact) way to start the ride. In fact, the plane wing is a nice touch, just not much of a head chopper like Raptor's are. The station is not particularly amazing either, as the open air roof just adds hostility to the elements. Too much hangtime is present, but the 90 degree banked turn is excellent as is the zero-G.

On the other hand, Raptor is so much better. It's slightly incorporated into the terrain, is smoother and the first drop gives you "butterflies". The theming effort is much better and less inconsistent than Swarm's. The station is vastly better too.

The Swarm is a great ride experience, fun, exhilarating, takes the saliva from your mouth, but just could be longer and better themed. It is the best at TP though. :--D
I'll go into more depth another time, but I really enjoyed Swarm. The sensation of being flipped around like that was soooo fun, and I actually found it quite forceful in places.

Its probably the best coaster I've been on, that doesn't look like it would be very good. Even in the heavy rain, it looked like it would valley on the zero-g's, but that slow speed whilst rotating over such a distance, just seems to work somehow.
They've added a few touches of theming to the helicopter. Debris strewn in the water, floating. Very cool idea that. Very cool.
CoasterCrazy said:
^1.) Not particularly, the inline is taken at quite a reasonable speed.
2.) I have ridden back right and there is really no airtime at all nor a zero-G sensation either. To me it is far too slow, unlike Nemesis.

He's wrong on both counts (almost) :p

The inline gives hang-time. I know, I hate hangtime and I hated the inline because of it.

Back right did give a lovely floater, but only really later in the day.

I suspect body size may have a lot to do with it, as well as how sensitive you are to these things :)
I liked the smaller parts of the aeroplane that were scattered about, wheels etc. But for me the highlight of the whole experience has to be the music and sound effects, they were brilliant.

One thing that I did find strange though, why is the helicopter squirting water in random places? Its as if they've attached hosepipes all over it, and it looks very strange and doesn't seem to resemble anything, apart from a squirting helicoptor.
^Hydraulics fluid, fuel, oil... there's a lot of liquid stuff in helicopters that will squirt if the pressurized pipes or tanks ruptures.
I found it to be okay.

It was pretty much exactly what I expected it to be. Smooth, graceful, averagely forceful and nicely themed.

After first riding it, (back left) I didn't really feel much for the ride. I didn't step off thinking "That was awful, I want to start windmilling in anger," nor did I think "That was freakin' amazeballs, I want to marry it." I felt like it was okay, and did exactly what it said on the tin.

The parts that I particularly enjoyed were the first drop, and the inline twist over the station, which gave me a chance to shout things at my friends in the station. Mainly "OH MY GOOOOD!" From the character 'Augustine Kwembe' from Facejacker, which seemed to get a few laughs from the station. The zero-g was okay, I've been on better (Shockwave and Khan spring to mind) and the rest of the ride seemed to be pretty bland.

The restraints and seats were comfortable, and the ride seemed to be nice and smooth. After riding it a few times during the day, the front left seat was my favourite. There was also a clear distinction between the outside seating and inside seating, the outside being considerably better. The theming was good, I particularly liked the trains and the station area, but some areas did seem empty and open. Some of the staff were annoyingly sarcastic and generally arsey with people, particularly a rather round, ethnic woman in the baggage hold. Single train operations also irritated me, and the station staffed seemed to be too unmotivated, bored and lazy to be bothered to dispatch trains efficiently and quickly.

The ride did grow on me throughout my visit, but I still left feeling a little underwhelmed by it. Very "meh" in my opinion. Still, I think it's a great addition to the park, though.
Finally got my CRED today and thought it was pretty good. It's a million times better than Craptor. I tried the front and back, inside and outside and both were quite fab, although I think I prefer the back because of the visual of the rest of the train twisting around which is cool.

The theming is pretty good, but I feel like it's a bit sterile? Like, the vehicles are great, but I feel like there needs to be more supporting theming. I think if the chopper and other fire engine were damaged it would be better. Also, I'd throw in some more 'village' stuff like a road, or bent lamposts or something. If it's supposed to be a British village, the station building alone isn't really enough. Hopefully in a couple of years when it starts to weather it'll look a bit better.

I found access to the area a bit silly too... I know the area is new, but a single path which is actually fairly hard to find and really not well connected to the rest of the park seems a bit odd. I guess when they develop the adjacent reclaimed bit of land they'll connect it all up? Hopefully...

Aside from that, I think it's quite a fab coaster. It's the new, solid attraction that Thorpe (and the UK) has needed for a while. I'm interested to see how it (and the other Wing Coasters) ages though, as it's already a BIT bouncy on the outside seats. It's no Baco, and it's still very smooth, but perhaps in a few years it might get worse? We'll see I guess.
I went on The Swarm 8 times today. It's a great ride and a must for any coaster enthusiasts out there. if you're thinking about going then just go because it's a great ride.

P.S- try to go on a sunday as the ques aren't as long and The Swarm is only good if you go on more than once as it's abit short.
The new theming looks excellent, Congratulations Merlin:

This is going to look awesome on the drop and Zero-G
Good to see that they're still adding little touches!

It looks a little random, but I guess they're not finished yet.
Yeah don't get me wrong I'm glad their adding to it, but they need a few more head and leg choppers.

To do that mid season though would be hard due to testing etc.