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Canada's Wonderland |"Leviathan"| B&M HyperGiga

^ It does look a lot better there, but I could just be imagining things. I stand with my initial opinion that it doesn't look like it'll break my top ten, but I'm still excited to ride it. Bring on May 12th!
Hixee said:
Yeah, that is much MUCH faster, but somehow I don't think it'll be that fast when operating. Is it possible they're pushing it a bit, leaving the trims off (does this have magnetic trims or not?) etc?

I'm still not sure about the airtime, it looks good, but I still can't see it'll be proper ejector...

They're magnetic trims, so they're always on, apparently yesterday the guy that works with the park said they were manually adjusting the trims, so this is what it looks like with them on.
^^How constructive!
^I agree actually. Woodies seem to have much more airtime.

Great first drop, great first two hills and overbank, I have no doubt this'll be forceful! However, it does seem to lose its pace extremely quickly...
I think there is one thing that needs to be re-inforced. We may not like it or think it doesn't look good, but the GP will be happy with a new coaster and that's really the most important thing to the park. Making money which comes from the GP.

Personally, I'm just excited to try a new ride, a B&M 300 footer. :)
Just a couple of things to mention here...

• the magnetic trims will function the same as the friction trims, in terms of being able to turn them on/off based on the trains speed.
• the first test run (the one filmed by POV) was done without trims turned on
• later test runs were performed with the trims on, with workers adjusting them periodically
• the speed has increased since the first test run (many have already mentioned this)
• the speed of the lift hill has also increased, with later tests taking a little less longer to climb the lift.
• the ride does provide airtime, the extent of this will be confirmed on April 27th.
I watched the POV today and I too thought it looks damn fast until that first proper hill. That alone makes it look more interesting than I expected. Even after the hill it moves faster than I expected it to. Why the overbank needs to be that tall is beyond me. It's like they try and make these things boring.
Wow. These last few pages provide a prime example of true enthusiasm. You have:

The guy who likes what he sees:

The sound is gonna be like SFGAdv, but coming from one machine :3

Well, Canada is going to be visited this year!

The doubter:
Am I the only one who doesn't like the ride? Like, at all?

The guy who brings up the obvious:
Or you know the fact that its the tallest and fastest B&M.... :roll:

The "experienced guy" who compares it to all the other, better coasters he's ridden.
I turned up the volume and listened again. It is no louder than any of the sixty-something B&Ms I've been on.

The excited one, hungry for more news:
It really does fly over the speed hill, looks like It's going to have loads' of airtime over It.
can't wait to see a POV soon.

The laconic "new update" guy:
Canada's Wonderland has posted a POV:

The "stop having fun" guy:
Apart from the drop and first overbank (which does look fast), I see nothing of particular note.

You guys think it's flying over the first speed hill? Really? Do you realize it's incredibly long? For the length of that hill, and the fact the train is supposed to be doing upper 80s by that point, I think it looks rather tame.

As for the rest of it...yeah. It's pretty much been covered.

This ride, from the start, was designed for the sole purpose of being tall and fast. That's really all it is now - with the exception of the rather poor pacing.

The over-analyzer:
You can really see the airtime if you look at how the water dummies move. You can clearly see that the first speed hill provides plenty of high quality air until it reaches the turn when the forces change direction - I reckon that there'll still be some OK air towards the end of it too.

The defender:
The POV was shot on the very FIRST TEST RUN (confirmed by someone on TPR that works with the park), that's why it looks sluggish. Look at the air you're getting on it on the FIRST test run.

Theone who just enjoy it:
It does look a lot better there, but I could just be imagining things. I stand with my initial opinion that it doesn't look like it'll break my top ten, but I'm still excited to ride it. Bring on May 12th!

The one bringing up technical stuff:
They're magnetic trims, so they're always on, apparently yesterday the guy that works with the park said they were manually adjusting the trims, so this is what it looks like with them on.

The optimist:
It does look pretty crazy in that video!

The fun-killing, blabbering Eeyore:
It still looks crap. Thank the Lord Behemoth is there.

The sophisticated whiner:
Look at the air we're getting? What are you talking about?

You mean the tiny bit of floater on the ride's three hills? Give me a break.

And what exactly do you mean by "hauling" over the hills? Are you blind, or just trying to make it out to be more than it is?

This thing crawls over the camelbacks, and it goes slower over its speed hill than Ka does (and Ka certainly has no air).

This thing is about speed and height. If you're trying to justify anything but that, you're an idiot. That's all there is to it.

Also, you can't manually adjust magnetic trims unless you add or remove them, or if they're articulated. I highly doubt, at this point, they're removing anything, and I can't tell if they're articulated.

Oh, and don't give me this "It's the first run!" stuff either - B&M rides are incredibly controlled. You're not getting anything more here than the standard stuff they intend you to get on every ride built recently.

The one who remembers what it's all about, but enjoys it regardless:
I think there is one thing that needs to be re-inforced. We may not like it or think it doesn't look good, but the GP will be happy with a new coaster and that's really the most important thing to the park. Making money which comes from the GP.

Personally, I'm just excited to try a new ride, a B&M 300 footer. :)

Cliché stock phrases:
This thing crawls over the camelbacks

The pessimist:
It's like they try and make these things boring

Quotes may be taken out of context for the sake of humour. Don't take it personally, unless you're the Eeyore, in which case you sort of asked for it.
Also, you can't manually adjust magnetic trims unless you add or remove them, or if they're articulated. I highly doubt, at this point, they're removing anything, and I can't tell if they're articulated.

Well you can adjust the trims on Leviathan, this video shows it.


Also, I have no doubt this ride is going to be awesome, I personally love B&M's, I don't find any boring, even if they're forceless, maybe I'm just pleased easily. Now that B&M is adding speed hills to their hypers/gigas, it get's me even more pumped to see what they come up with in the future.
ALUMINIUM - NOT **** ALUMINUM. So irritating! Ha!

I hope to god Shambhala has the same, so they can lower the braking force of them <3
-lofty- said:
ALUMINIUM - NOT **** ALUMINUM. So irritating! Ha!

I hope to god Shambhala has the same, so they can lower the braking force of them <3


They look the same, but I don't see the metal cylinders that open and close the bottom arm, so idk
I forgot you've been on the ride already so you can declare how Leviathan is going to ride in about a month and a week when it opens, silly me.

Anywho, I'm not arguing over Leviathan anymore, I personally think it looks great, and if you don't like it, don't ride it. Keeps the line shorter for people that appreciate B&M doing new things.
Damn right I just enjoy it, Pokey :p . I'd rather not come into a topic and scrutinize a coaster for every fault it could possibly have when I haven't even ridden it yet. It's ridiculous to judge something before you ride it. I thought Maverick looked awful and it broke my top five, so I won't form an opinion on this until the 12th of May, assuming it doesn't spite.
No where am I making out to be more than what it is? All I said from the beginning is that it's flying over the hills, which it is compared to normal B&M hypers, and that we MIGHT get ejector air on the last camel back. You're the one making it seem like I'm saying it's going to be the king of all coasters and no one is worthy.
Personally, I like Ejector AND Floater. To me, they each have there own wonderful qualities and I enjoy the way B&M makes there Hypers. It makes them stand out in my mind.

(Flame me if you want I don't care. It's my opinion and I'll stick to it.)