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Cedar Point | "GateKeeper" | B&M Wingrider

Spicy's right, these are fairly slow coasters. I couldn't believe how slow Swarm takes the zero-g, from a disntance it does look like it's going stall. But that doesn't make it bad, rotating like that at the slow speed was pretty neat.
Falling from 150+/- feet and then going through that sharp hill (only 105'), judging by the length of the train. Airtime will be there.
^You're forgetting the huge inversion it does before and after the first drop, together they'll heavily slow it down. You may get a little bit of airtime but I doubt it'll be anything noticeable. I hope I'm wrong.
Falling from 150+/- feet and then going through that sharp hill (only 105'), judging by the length of the train. Airtime will be there.

If they really are the stats, then I'd put money on there being a trim before that hill.
Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

How so? While the airtime seems to be somewhat there, are you suddenly expecting Intamin type airtime on a hill roughly 30-40ft lower looking than the first inversion?

The trains will help bleed speed as well, so there really shouldnt be any form of necessity for a trim to be installed.
just look how sharp the tip of the hill is...

And then there's the angle in which the photo has been taken. The most shallow of hills can look quite tight when the angle is right.
Ethan said:
^ That photo doesn't mean anything unless we know the speed though...

The train should be going approximately 60mph after the immelmann, take that for what it's worth. Seeing as how all of the following elements are about the same height, this will probably take the cake for the most intense of the the 3.

Even though we wont know until we see some test footage, it's hard to deny that this will provide some good air. CP took the wing coaster to the extreme (what else is new :roll: ) so I'm assuming they asked for an above average hill from B&M. Not saying this will provide "killer ejector air", just saying that it "looks" to have a decent amount of airtime.

Keyhole Footers: Check
^ Tbh I think your exaggerating a bit. You still haven't giving an answer, and this whole 'taking to extreme' thing doesn't really answer it either.

We don't know the exact speed until testing, and even then the speed will change throughout the year. As you probably know, a small change in speed can change the forces.
I think it's funny how EVERY topic of a B&M coaster that contains an airtime hill has pages of discussions debating the type of airtime, when they all near enough have the same anyway. Shambhala's airtime is pretty great at the front and back, I can see this being near enough the same due to the trains and the actual shaping oh the hill.
Taxi said:
so I'm assuming they asked for an above average hill from B&M

Another thing, how do you define an 'above average' hill? I'm not having a go, I'm simply curious. Because to me, it looks like any other parabolic hill.
The reason I don't bother with these arguments is because of Leviathan. It has some of the most killer airtime yet people said it would have none. You really just can't tell until you ride it.
Ethan said:
^ Tbh I think your exaggerating a bit. You still haven't giving an answer, and this whole 'taking to extreme' thing doesn't really answer it either.
We don't know the exact speed until testing, and even then the speed will change throughout the year. As you probably know, a small change in speed can change the forces.

Well, the speed on an object falling from that height (est. 145') should be 65.6 mph. Of course that's without any friction or air-resistance. So the real number should be about 3-4mph less, many B&M coasters fall 3-4mph under what can be achieved. (164' can actually achieve 70mph, however GateKeeper falls 3mph less at 67mph) However, that's the speed if it started at 0mph, so the real speed should be a bit greater. Putting my prediction at approximately 60mph after the immelmann. That's how I got that number.

BTW, answer what? What I meant by "taking it to the extreme" is that CP probably wanted an above average airtime hill. Seeing how they pushed B&M to do a giga, this doesn't seem so far fetched. Anyway, just my opinion.
Well, for what it's worth(nothing more than internet rumors from around 2000). Cedar Point approached Intamin, Morgan and B&M for Millennium Force. Morgan's was pricey, and B&M pretty much said "no". And in the end Intamin was chosen. Also, Leviathan really goes above what B&M has already done. Silver Star was their largest creation prior (249' , 78mph). I'd say B&M stepped a bit outside their comfort zone with Leviathan. And it's no surpise that Cedar Fair was the one to do it. Hopefully CF doesn't manipulate them like they did Intamin. :cry: