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Cedar Point | "GateKeeper" | B&M Wingrider

That first drop looks so high, this ride looks incredible.

Seriously need to get over to the US sometime soon.
Going up quickly:


Front seat riders view

^ They were both posted a mere 2 pages back, with a large update just one page back, it might help looking next time :)
It seems that with every new roller coaster, there will be nay sayers who reject the ride. The layouts wrong, the ride experience is pointless, etc.

That is what I find remarkable about GateKeeper - it would appear that noone truly dislikes the ride. Yes, you can be nit picky over names or ride color, but all-in-all, I have yet to find someone who says, "this ride looks like a failure, it's stupid."

This has been the first time in a LONG time that I have seen such acceptance. Admittedly B&M's Wing Coaster design is a good one that is tough to hate. I know we were all giddy over Raptor, but I did not follow Swarm nor X-Flight as closely. How does public/coaster geek response compare?
Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

Went from "Looks Intense" and whatnot to "Lame and tame, but still fun looking" during testing for Swarm I believe.

Wild Eagles was mixed between positive and negative (mainly due to the layout).

Never really followed X-Flight, but others seemed to like its layout more than Swarms (in regards to looks).

Macaw one is "Ooo and Aaah" filled.

I guess these have just proven to be an overall success that we dont really have to bring into question on whether it will be good or bad. It will be fun, and is a solid ride.

Plus the confirmation of no trims as well probably helped :lol:
105 foot Camelback is going up. You can also see some more ground-work going on towards the main gate.
Hyde244 said:
It seems that with every new roller coaster, there will be nay sayers who reject the ride. The layouts wrong, the ride experience is pointless, etc.

That is what I find remarkable about GateKeeper - it would appear that noone truly dislikes the ride. Yes, you can be nit picky over names or ride color, but all-in-all, I have yet to find someone who says, "this ride looks like a failure, it's stupid."

This has been the first time in a LONG time that I have seen such acceptance. Admittedly B&M's Wing Coaster design is a good one that is tough to hate. I know we were all giddy over Raptor, but I did not follow Swarm nor X-Flight as closely. How does public/coaster geek response compare?

I don't really give a rat's ass either way about it. I mean, there's no such thing as a truly bad B&M, so it should be good, but I'm not going crazy over it. The GCI's at Fun Spot and Great America are the ones next year I'm excited about, because GCI rocks, I can possibly get to them in a few years, and I have absolutely no clue how the RMC rides will turn out...
may turn out.
IntaminToWin said:
there's no such thing as a truly bad B&M
Actually, that's not true. Kraken is genuinely a BAD coaster. Not in terms of roughness, but in terms of ride experience. It really does nothing, if you get an ounce of feeling of G's, you're extremely lucky.
Lofty said:
IntaminToWin said:
there's no such thing as a truly bad B&M
Actually, that's not true. Kraken is genuinely a BAD coaster. Not in terms of roughness, but in terms of ride experience. It really does nothing, if you get an ounce of feeling of G's, you're extremely lucky.
I have to disagree with Kraken being a bad B&M. Sure it's not the best, but that doesn't make it bad & many people say that it's their favorite coaster (not enthusiasts however :wink: ).
There is a bad B&M though, but most CFers haven't ridden it. It's Time Machine at Freestyle Music Park, which has been sitting there for years now for good reason.
Smithy said:
You must eat an awful lot of carrots to see that
Here's a better view of the Camelback progress.

Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

How about the one at Tivoli Gardens I remember many people not liking it.
It really depends on what you compare the one particular B&M coaster to.
If you compare it to other B&M's, sure it may be be bad, but if you compare it to every coaster on the planet, I wouldn't really call any B&M bad.
Re: Cedar Point |

marc said:
How about the one at Tivoli Gardens I remember many people not liking it.
Yeah, there were a lot of us (including myself) who didn't care for Daemonen, but I still wouldn't say it's a bad B&M coaster. It's smooth, has some good elements & even a pop or two of aitime, but it's a floorless & few of them are great (like Kraken, as Lofty mentioned). Still there are lots of people who like it (including enthusiasts).
Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

Ah see what you mean.

Tbh the only time I have found a B&M un rideable was when we went to Busch last time. Kumba was rough and so loud I just could only do one ride and I love that coaster.
I found Kraken to be a bad coaster because of how bumpy it was. It was fun enough, but the bumpyness was horrid. It's another one of them coasters that I really wanted to like, but I just couldn't.
Re: Cedar Point | "Gatekeeper" | B&M Wingrider

It never used to be like that :(

Tbh though it's still a good coaster when the fix it lol.
Martyn B said:
I found Kraken to be a bad coaster because of how bumpy it was. It was fun enough, but the bumpyness was horrid. It's another one of them coasters that I really wanted to like, but I just couldn't.
I'm glad someone else can agree with me on the Kraken front, it really is a bad coaster in my opinion.