Smithy said:
Gt5 is seriously epic. Just, so much to do and it all works brilliantly (so far).
Made even better by the absolutely awesome Logitech wheel. Force feedback is spot on, the cars actually handle properly, you can feel every bump, slide and skid.
I struggled with GT5, I really did. It has so many faults.
Then I managed to grab a decent amount of time with it over the holidays, and it's really come alive for me.
There are still niggles, and it's far from perfect, but when it's good, it's fantastic. So addictive too.
Agreed about the Force Feedback too, brilliant. Much better than on a lot of games I've played.
I've had a lot of time to play a lot of games actually as well as GT5.
I bought Pacman Deluxe, which I love (which is odd considering I hate Pacman). It's just silly, frantic and a good ten minute filler of a game. Well worth the £3 or whatever it was.
Also got Dead Nation, which I've not committed enough time to yet, but again, very good fun.
Maxi-Minor_Furie bought "Costume Quest" (plus the add on pack) which I've been helping him with. It's pretty basic to be honest, but good fun and he's loved it. It's really aimed at about an eight year old level, so there's a few people on here should find it an enjoyable challenge
Last, but not least, finally succumbed to Rock Band 3. After all the others, it was really confusing (and I'm still finding my way around it).
I have so many songs though, and the new set lists are excellent (Werewolves of London? Yes please!). The game is so much tighter and friendly. It's such a massive improvement. Makes me a bit sad I only got a few months with Rock Band 2 though, but at least I have that disk full of tracks as well.
Minor_Furie is saving up for the Pro-Guitar too, the 3000 button, 200 string monstrosity. That should help him stop whining about "Smoke on the water isn't played anything like this on a real guitar compared. Stupid plastic rubbish".
Erm, probably more games too I imagine, but that'll do for now out of the "highlights"